Chapter 5: What exactly are you?..

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Alexandria's POV:

I walked into art class following behind Jasper as he walked to the back of the class. I handed my slip to the teacher and he pointed me towards the back of the class and told me to sit down.

The spare seat was between Jasper and the Pixie girl i seen in the parking lot along with Enzo who had his hand placed on her thigh to stop it from bouncing. I smiled towards Jasper while i walked to my seat beside him and who i'm guessing is his sibling and Enzo.

"Hey cowboy... Guess your stuck with me again for another lesson. However i've got to warn you i'm amazingly good at this and i can beat you in anything you challenge me with. Also Enzo is in this class so be prepared to be annoyed."i said cockily whilst smirking at him. I whispered the last part Un aware that both people next to me heard and smiled. He pulled my chair out as i sat my books and belongings on the table. He smirked at me and rolled his eyes at me. Before he had the chance to respond with a sarcy comment someone interrupted us.

"Hi i'm Alice. Alice Cullen and this is my Boyfriend Enzo. I see you've already met my sibling Jasper. and are good friends with him. I feel like we're going to be fantastic friends. I feel as through you and my Boy Enzo is going to be great friends even though it seems you have a connection. And i know you'll be fantastic friends with us all as well." Alice said while practically bouncing out of her seat.

I looked at her nervously while my hands were shaking slightly under the desk and they were resting on my knee. I felt a strong hand grasp my hand and squeeze it. I looked towards Jasper and instantly felt calmer. I gave him a thankful smile and turned back to Alice and Enzo (who she apparently didn't know i already met)

"It's er lovely to meet you and i'm happy that i met Jasper already he's been so kind to me. I'm glad that we can be friends however i must warn you i might get slightly annoying. OH and i Love the snow. Oh and plus Zo-Zo over here already knows me isn't that right bestie." I blushed at Alice then smirked towards Enzo who was looking at me with a mirrored expression and looked down whilst smiling awkwardly. Alice placed her hand on my arm and i flinched slightly. She smiled at me encouragingly and looked towards the front of the class. At this point i realised Jasper still had his hand on top of mine. He must of realised too considering he smiled and took his hand away.

I missed the contact immediately and half frowned. I know he's my Imprint and all but i don't want to scare him away so i just left it alone. The class ran smoothly half way through until we got the paper out and the teacher handed us all paper envelopes to see what we were meant to be drawing.

Someone must of had a paper cut or something because i smelt blood. And at the sight of it Jasper must have too. As did Alice and Enzo. That's when i realised what they were. I looked towards Jasper with worry evident in my eyes. I looked into his eyes to see his pupils a deathly black. I heard his growling and one of his hands crushing the table. He snarled and his hand closest to me had blood dripping from it where he dug in his finger nails.

I grabbed Jaspers hand and clasped my hand around his intertwining our hands together. "Jazz your okay. It's just a little blood. Cmon Jazz push the feeling away." He looked towards me pained. I know he's struggling bad so i did the only thing i could think of. I grabbed both sides of his face and placed my forehead on his staring into his intoxicating eyes. His eyes widened and he looked scarred. I hooked my arms around his neck and burred my head into his neck and he held me close catching in my scent.

That seemed to calm him down a lot. He took a breath still catching my scent and i felt him visibly relax and he sighed. I pulled away and looked him in the eyes. His eyes were still black and i worried a little. That's when i realised i was in class still and everyone was staring.

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