Chapter 30 - Reaching Deeper

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Dev was right. They needed to reach deeper- deeper into the Force, deeper into their connection to the Force and deeper into the well of strength in the planet Kyber.

"We need the ships to keep up a covering fire to buy us a little more time," Ezra explained to Han, Sabine, Rex and the other Clones over his comm. "I wish we could extend our ships' shields. I know we can do this, but we're running out of time."

As he spoke, Ezra sank to his knees to join the other Jedi in meditation.

"Can't your droids do something to help?" Natasi's hesitant voice came over the comm.

"Droids? You mean Artoo and Threepio?" Luke frowned. "I'm not sure what more they can do."

"No, the other ones. I don't know their names. The Jedi droids."

"You mean Solis and Fidelis?" Ezra was both puzzled and fascinated. What had she noticed about the droids that an entire group of trained Jedi had missed? "What makes you think they're Jedi droids?"

"They ...feel like your lightsabers," Natasi explained.

"Really?" Ezra addressed the droids. "All right, you two, 'fess up."

Solis and Fidelis shared a glance but did not speak.

"Fidelis, Solis, have you been keeping secrets?" Whie studied his two footman droids with new interest.

"Fidelis cannot answer you, Master," Solis dipped his metal head. "It is against our base programming to reveal the secret. But since most of my base programming was altered or destroyed, I can share the secret with you." He hesitated. "Please forgive me for not revealing it sooner. We thought you would be displeased. You see, we owe our unique capabilities to a hidden kyber crystal."

"A kyber crystal?" Rising, Whie stepped to droids and patted their shoulders. "I can see why you wouldn't want to tell me and why your makers wouldn't want their secret known. Fidelis," he gazed into his old friend's photoreceptors, "can you use the crystals to help us in some way? Perhaps create a barrier or shield?"

"We will see what we can do, Master Whie," Fidelis answered, bowing slightly.

"I have noted an affinity between our crystals and the crystal in the planet," added Solis.

The droids moved to the center of the Hill and stood facing each other. They raised their hands and a soft glow began emanating from their palms.

Whie rejoined the circle of meditating Jedi. "Have you considered the possibility that your little friend might have some mild passive Force sensitivity?"

"We've suspected as much," Ezra admitted, "Thrawn thinks so, too. But we can't test her without frightening her. She's made some progress toward healing and we don't want to make her regress. Maybe someday, she'll be ready." 

He couldn't imagine the depth of terror that passively sensing the perverted power of the dark side had caused Natasi. As much as her family and friends would like for her to find peace in the Force, none of them were willing to coerce her.

The glow from the droids grew and an answering glow sprang up from the ground. The kybers were unaffected by the dampening field. Solis and Fidelis lifted their hands, flinging the glow upwards. It stretched into a thin sheet, then spread over the Hill.

"We've enhanced our rather minimal shielding capabilities," Fidelis explained. "Let us hope it will hold until you have completed your task."

The Jedi did not respond. They heard his words only dimly as they sank into Kyber's reservoir of Force strength. Above them, the sky grew dark with the approaching fleet. Fighters poured from the larger vessels. The dampening field's pressure increased with the additional ships and the Jedi battled to keep their concentration.

Blasts ricocheted off the glowing shield as the first line of fighters swooped low, firing. Ground troops rushed the Hill only to be repulsed as the shimmering sheet of energy destroyed their circuits.

The Jedi reached deeper, through the swirling colors to the radiant light of the Force. Farther and farther still they stretched until they could almost touch the brilliant core of the planet. Almost.

We cannot reach it, Whie spoke into their meld in heart-rending tones.

Not on our own, agreed Luke.

It's going to take all of us, Ezra finished.

He stretched out again in the Force, his diminished connection bolstered by the kyber as he surrounded his children with love. Gently, he touched Yantahar and the Horn children, then brushed Eramuth and Niasi, whose latent Force sensitivities were only just beginning to manifest. Reluctantly, he stroked little Naala suckling at her mother's bosom and hoped that Natasi would not panic. With one final sweep, he caught up Grogu and called the children to him. Around him, he could sense Luke, Mara, Leia and Ahsoka calling their children into the bond as well.

Natasi pressed her lips together tightly, battling the scream that threatened to escape her. Naala continued to drink, but her soft body was unnaturally relaxed, her green eyes glazed and half closed. An uncontrolled shiver passed over Natasi and she held her baby tighter. At the back of the cockpit, her three boys sat in lotus position, holding hands with their eyes closed.

Ezra Bridger believed all four of her children had at least some Force sensitivity. Her worst nightmare was coming true before her eyes. Please the Creator, it was not so.

"Natasi," Sabine's voice broke into her fearful reverie. "Ezra would never hurt you or your children. You must know that."

"I know," she whispered in reply. But what her head knew had no bearing on what her heart felt. As she tried to form her terrified thoughts into coherent spoken words, Yantahar rose.

"I need to go to the Hill, Dearest. Everyone the Force has touched must go."

His brothers stood, joining him. Violet- Meadows hurried over to them, followed by Grogu. Sabine's eyes filled with tears.

"If Ezra's calling you, I'd better go, too."

Valin tugged his sister to her feet and two walked solemnly to stand with the little cluster of younglings.

"They're so young," Mirax murmured. "They can't fight!"

"They won't have to," Sabine assured her. "But the situation must be desperate for Ezra to call them. There's no other way to save them."

Two Clones popped their heads through the door. "We'll go with you."

Punch and Clide took protective stances on either side of the group of younglings. Mirax quickly joined them. Sabine stood to follow.

"Come on, Natasi. We all need to go."

Naala finished her meal and unlatched. Slowly, Natasi refastened her dress and rose. The Clones led them out of the White Loth-cat and swiftly into the safety of the shield, which expanded to cover them. The sky was dark with the looming ships and the afternoon air was heavy with the burden of the approaching conflict.

"It has come," Natasi heard Ezra say. "The deciding moment is here."

Author's Note: "Mild passive Force sensitivity" is my Special Education training coming through. I see parallels between finding younglings with Jedi potential and finding students who have special needs, as well as teaching them. The first step to helping children in both cases is identifying their needs and strengths. Then teachers or Jedi masters can determine the best ways to help their students. As a homeschool graduate, I was blessed to have a learning experience based on my individual strengths, needs and interests. I love teaching and learning and always try share my love of learning with my students. Sadly, some students have had negative experiences and, like Natasi, they are closed up and afraid. So it's the job of both teachers and Jedi masters to reach these students and help them learn and love to learn! Just some rambling thoughts for you. Thanks for reading and God bless you!

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