Chapter 10- Concerning the Children

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"Ahsoka! Ahsoka, Honey, wake up," Rex's voice filtered through Ahsoka's montrals. "We're here, on Atollon. You've got to see this. It's a jungle. And the Bendu, well, he looks like part of the jungle."

Eyes closed, Ahsoka let her mate ramble on in his attempt to wake her. Of course, he had broken her slumber the first time he called her name, but she wanted to see how far he would go to rouse her. She heard him pause and sigh.

"You really are sleepy, Little U'n. Came on kind of early this time. And you're usually so predictable about these things."

She felt strong arms lift her. She was resting against Rex's chest as he sat on the bed now. She let her head droop on his shoulder, weariness hanging heavily on her. Maybe Rex would carry her off the ship. Then his hand slipped to the blue and white back of her head and she had to fight a smile.

"I guess there's only one thing to do," she heard him say.

His lips pressed against her left montral, near the center of her head. Moving quickly, he kissed his way around her montrals and down her lek. He continued around her head, stopping to nibble at the sweet spot under her back lek. He made his way up her right lek to her montral, and finally pressed a kiss on her forehead.

Surrendering, Ahsoka opened her eyes with a contented sigh. "That was wonderful, Rex. Do it again!"

Rex abruptly stood. "I thought so! You've been awake the whole time. Ahsoka, everyone's waiting on us out there, even the kids."

"Don't put me down. I really am tired." She yawned. "Just one more kiss, please?" She tilted her head toward him.

Rex ignored her head and flipped her in his arms so that her head was lower than her feet. His lips caressed her slightly rounded stomach, first with a tight, firm kiss, then with several small, nibbling kisses.

"Oh, Rex!" she laughed, raising her head to look at him. "I see how it is. You only keep me around to give you children."

With one last lingering kiss on her pregnant middle, Rex righted her in his arms. He frowned in mock sternness.

"Baby wasn't the one pretending to be asleep for five minutes while I tried to wake her." The frown disappeared and his brown eyes twinkled at her. "Sleepiness may be early this time, but playfulness is right on schedule."

He fitted his mouth to hers as he carried her toward the ramp. At the top of the ramp, he paused and lifted his eyes, his lips still moving against Ahsoka's.

"Captain Rex and Jedi Ahsoka," rumbled a deep voice. Ahsoka didn't bother turning toward the speaker.

"How good of you to join us," the Bendu continued. "Do you wish to contribute to this discussion or would prefer to continue with your mating display?"

Rex broke the kiss at last. "Mating display?" he spluttered. "Can't a man give his pregnant wife a little lovin' without people coming unglued?" He shot a meaningful look in Luke's direction.

The Jedi Master stood with his hands on his hips and eyebrows raised in disapproval. "There is a time and a place for 'loving on your wife' and this is neither."

"Public opinion never mattered much to Rex," chortled Punch, leading the four other Clones down the Jade Shadow's ramp.

"Your father would be on my side," Rex assured Luke with a knowing nod.

"All right, boys, that's enough," Ahsoka interrupted, slipping out of Rex's arms to stand beside him. She smiled at the Clones, pleased that they already looked younger and more energetic. "Bendu would like to tell us something, I think."

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