-6: Leo-FOOD FIGHT! and Thalia-Thalico-

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Dedicated to @ShipJiperOctavchel for the getting the ship Jeo right. Its Jason x Leo. A so typical Brotp. Also deicafed Ber for the second dare.

Thalia is not a hunter. She gave it up a few days ago. Everybody know this.because Thalia had done a great job, Artemis freed her.


-6: Leo-FOOD FIGHT! And Thalia-Thalico-

-Leo -

"Dare, baby!" I say proudly.

Everybody look at me weirdly. What's their problem?

Before Percy said, Annabeth cut him off.

"Wait," Annabeth said, "How did Piper know about your... Kiss?" Her eyes narrowed.

Percy looked panicked, "Um..."

"Moving on!" I said loudly, "What's the dare?"

"Start a food fight at dinner!" Percy sent me a grateful, but mischievous look.

"Aw come on, man." I complained. "Okay Thalia, truth or dare?"

"Er, truth?"

"Tell us who you would date as you are not a hunter."

Thalia looked panicked. "Dare!"

"Fine," I rolled my eyes.

The others looked at me in shock, like, Why would you give away this amazing opportunity?!

I ignored them and said, "I dare you to answer your truth."

"Fine." Thalia said fiddling her thumbs. " I like Nico." She said quietly.



Nico had a faint blush to his cheeks.

Then the bell rang for dinner. The lovebirds must be relieved.

We all walked out. The other campers looked suspiciously at us, but we ignored them.

I sat at my table. Time for the fun to begin.


As I sat down at my table, I noticed Thalia wasn't there. I shrugged it off and looked at Leo. He grinned and sent me a wink as he picked up a plate of pumpkin pie and aimed it at me.

My eyes widened before I quickly ducked so the pie missed me, instead hitting Percy.

Percy grinned and threw a hotdog at Annabeth, which Annabeth caught in the shoulder. Sending a death glare at Percy, she picked up a chocolate bar and threw it at a Hermes camper.

That ought to be painful.

After one minute and thirty nine seconds, the food fight was in full swing. Chiron noticed the food fight when a bowl of soup flew over his head, dumping the contents on his part slightly below his back.

"ENOUGH!" he roared. The hall was silent.

"Who did this?!"

Everybody pointed at each other, mainly at the Hermes camper, who pointed at Annabeth who pointed at Percy who pointed at me and I pointed at Leo.

"'Sup?" He grinned.

"Dishes for a month." Chiron thundered, "And clean up this mess."

The hall dispersed to get clean. All the while I was hiding under my table safely, so I was clean.

Percy and I walked over to Leo, who was standing in the middle of the pavilion, staring at the mess.

"Hey, dude. Want some help?" Percy asked casually, his hand in his pocket.

Leo nodded eagerly.

Percy used his water powers to clean up the mess.

Leo grinned, "Thanks, dude! I owe you one."

Percy waved it off and walked to his cabin.


I walked to my cabin and slowly opened it. What I say didn't surprise me at all.

Nico had Thalia pinned to the wall and was kissing her like crazy. Thalia responded just as enthusiastically. (A/N: I hate these disgustingl scenes. I'm sorry, but this is the last time it'll be there. I promise, but it is quite important to the storyline.)

They had't Noticed me yet. I leaned on the door, "So what'd I miss?" I asked casually.

Nico let go of Thalia and looked at me slowly. They were blushing like crazy, they looked like human tomatoes.

They slowly walked to the door and outside. "Good night, lovebirds!" I called behind them and closed the door, grinning, Operation Thalico was complete. Next, Operation Tratie.


Ooh, that was something. Thalico is life! Its my second OTP, Jasper being first. Then Percabeth, Tratie, Frazel, Gruniper and all that fluffy ships.

This is very long chapter, 600 words, be happy. Actually, more than 600.




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