Chapter 4: Choice

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Chapter 4


~Nate Trevino~

“Urghhhhhhh! IT HURTS!!!” I flinched away from the damp acid cotton.

“Calm down sir,” the servant girl quietly said. “It’s for your best.”

“Tsk, I’ll do it myself,” I said irritated as I yanked the cotton away from her. “Leave.”

The girl hesitated, but followed my order. She bowed down excusing herself as she left the room. I looked down at the cotton as I gently pressed it on my still bleeding upper lip I tried to resist jerking away. My right cheek was swollen.

That girl can pack a punch I’ll give her that. I drifted to that moment when she punched me.

She was like an angry hurricane, strong and bold. But yet… there was something more to her punch. I just couldn’t quite put a finger to it.

“Why did she punch me?” I asked myself. “What did I do?”

“You angered her that’s what you did.” I flinched my head towards the sound of the voice. My eyes met a grinning Angie. She closed the door behind, never taking her eyes off of mine.

“You dumped her and that’s why she punched you,” she guessed as she walked towards me. “No, she found out you were unfaithful and then she punched you. C’mon am I getting warm, hot?”

She stopped only a few feet away from me as leaned on the red couch folding her arms at her chest, grinning. “I think that’s a new. All the other girls usually slap you or curse at you. But punching you, I think that girl had guts.”

I grunted at her tease. “Shut up, Angie. No, I didn’t cheat on her because she was never my girlfriend... just a fake.”

She tilted her head to the side in wonder. “Fake girlfriend?” She asked as if she never heard those words.

“Yes, Angie,” I said with irritation. “‘fake girlfriend’, my mother wanted to meet my real girlfriend, but I declined so I stumbled into this girl and made a deal for her to be my fake girlfriend and–”

“And you humiliated her,” she said finishing my sentence. She stared at me with a blank expression. “You got what you deserved.”

My eyes widen. This was so unfair!

“What?!” I yelled at her, crazed as I stood up from my bed. “Are you insane?! Why did I deserve something I didn’t do?!!”

She stood still raising an eyebrow. “Really?” My jaw dropped opened.

“I cannot believe this! How can you side with her when I didn’t even do anything! Sure I entered to the ladies room–”

“You entered the ladies room?!” Her eyes widen as she stared at me. “And you were in there with –with this girl?!”

“What! No! I entered there because Sonya…she…,”I trailed off looking away from Angie. I hesitated not wanting to tell her, but knowing Angie she would persist like a fly. “I wanted to have an alone time with her and Janice was there –I didn’t even know she was in there!”

Angie slapped her forehead, shaking her head. “You really are stupid.”

“How was that stupid,” I asked breathlessly. “Yeah sure I got in the ladies room and made out with Sonya and so what! I bet I’m not the only guy who does that!”

 I realized I was only a feet away from Angie’s face.  She stared at me with a blank expression. “What?!”

She sighed slowly as she shook her head. “Nothing.” Then she muttered something under her breath to low for me to hear. I rolled my eyes impatient.

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