Bad to me

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"Fucking weather." I muttered as I glumly walked in the pouring rain. The last thing I wanted was to be sick, and as I had the sniffles a lot, this walk would probably make me have a little cough tomorrow. Bloody colds. They always come at the wrong time. Like when your about to go out on the town, or have your picture taken. Of course, I could probably count on one hand the times I had been out on the town at night, and I had only had several professional pictures taken of myself in my entire life, so I could probably count that on one hand too. The thing's I think of when I'm alone. 

The bus stop wasn't that far away, luckily I didn't have to walk all the way across Liverpool every day. Sometimes I did, I'd wait the extra half an hour for George to be let out and we'd walk home together. But today was raining, and I was pretty sure he had band practice. That was all he ever talked about now. It was either all the songs him and his mates could play, or what silly stunts him Paul and John had pulled, or what new chords they had all learned. Of course I didn't mind that much. I mean, I didn't have much to talk about. 

"Hey Ruthy!!" I turned at my name being called. Marcy was running towards me, wet hair plastered on her cheeks. "Wait up!!" I laughed and stopped so she could catch up. "Fuckin 'ell girl, you tore out of pretty fast!!"

"Didn't want to miss the early bus. I get talkin to Lil and next thing I know I'm on the late one." 

"Since when do you care bout gettin back home?" she asked with a smile.

"Bloody rain. You know how I catch colds quickly." I said.

"Well your not that bad. I'm worse then you meself." she said. 

Marcy was one of my good friends. She didn't live in the funding houses like I did. In fact, she was quite posh. She didn't even have the bloody connected houses that almost everyone else lived in it seemed. Marcy was quite a different person. She was loud, quiet, smart, and stupid all in one. She had the worst mood swings ever. When it came for her time of the month, everyone would just avoid her for a few days. Another thing about her was she had been on 10 000 dates, and she wasn't very good looking. I always found that weird, because almost every male in Liverpool from 14 to 25 wanted to get in your pants. Well in my case I'm pretty sure no one wanted into my knickers. Only the really desperate ones. 

"So did you hear the big news?" Marcy asked. The only problem with Marcy is that she was quite the social butterfly, and had the habit of telling people like me useless information about people that people like me could give less of a shit about. 

"Nope." I said with a sigh. 

"Well today in gym class, someone said that the girls school has been getting low on cash. Not as many girls are coming here as they have more schools around where you live now." she said pulling some gum out of her pocket. "They might collide us with the boys school." 

"Unfortunately that'll be just a rumour. No bloody way that the Innys's  broke. Best school in Liddypool." I said with a sigh. 

"Well here we are. I'll see ya tomorrow! Bye Ruthy!" Marcy said before running down the street. Marcy just lived another 2 blocks over and would be home in a few minutes as she was running. I would be home in about 45 minutes to a hour. Fucking posh people, get all the lucky breaks. 


"Ruth? That you?" I heard Mum call. 

"Yea, just me." I said kicking off my shoes and throwing my bags on the floor. Danny's lay beside mine. 

My little brother hadn't gotten into the Inny as I had, and was forced to go to a normal school nearer to here. 

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