Chapter 6: The Employees Lavatory

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With all the force she could muster (not much) she slammed her dwarf-like body into the door, flinging it open to reveal a downtrodden, heart broken, demolished bandersnatch, singing abcdefu to himself (directed at Jamie), violently weeping over a stack of urinal cakes. She pulled her neck back to look up at his hunched over physique and burst into floods of tears out of pure, undiluted, unadulterated guilt.


He didn't respond to her but just continued whimpering in between loud grunts and yelps to the tune of abcdefu, though he was so upset he couldn't muster the strength to hit the right notes, so it was a horrid, sharp-edged sound for y/ns poor, teensie weensie ears to bear.

But she didn't mind, she was so hangdog of how she had obliterated and decimated him that she was willing to listen to his scrunkly, silly, spooky, scary rendition of a hit pop song. His singing was unforgivable, mortifying, ghastly, vile, and unspeakable compared to Jamie's.

"Benjaminsnatch, talk to me, please" y/n wallopped through her tears

"What more is there to say sensual sugar lips" Bandersnatch finally spoke

"Don't call me that" y/n said turning away insolently.

Silence followed

"Why did you follow me here y/n. To torment me, to remind me how much I thirst for you?? I'm ravenous." he said, breaking into weeps again.

"N-n-n-no i just-"

"I don't care y/n, you have shattered my soul, broken my badussy, crinkled my clarinet, you've done enough. Don't pity me, don't act like you ever cared and then turn around and let another guy hold your menu, that ruffles my feathers" he exclaimed in almighty fury and anguish

y/n had nothing left to say

"Wow, dramatic much, that's why your dad left you." y/n pronounced, also falling into a fit of wrath

Barangaroosnatch began sobbing more violently than y/n had ever witnessed before.

"Don't say that, you know how insults like that tickle my pickle and rev my engine, how they milk my cow and spindle my wheel, how they irk while i lurk." he said followed by a soft gwindling grunt

y/n should have known better, after all, Bandersnatch has a raging degrading kink. She could see it in his eyes, something had changed tremendously. his deep brown orbs were now bursting at the seams with undeniable lust.

"Bathshack Cucumberitchy please this isn't you-" y/n exclaimed despairingly, but alas, she was too late

y/n watched, horrified, as babysitter cumberbund arose from his hunched over stance. His sobbing and yodelling ceased and he stood up. Phlegmatic, he strode towards y/n.

y/n didn't know what to do, he had never gotten this way before, it was like he was a whole new person. In a state of panic, y/n picked up one of the urinal cakes (now saturated with bandersnatches tears) and threw it right at him, it ended up hitting him on the knee, as y/n was so short and weak she couldn't manage anything more, but that force was enough to snap bandersnatch out of his aroused and tickled trance.

Tears started streaming down his facial epidermis, and he fell to his knees at y/ns 'fun-sized' plates of meat (feet, for the uncultured)

"Im so sorry y/n" he yowled enthusiastically "i didn't mean to become so tittyllated" he sadly stared into y/ns eyes, which were still quite far down, even with bandersnatch on his knees.

"You should leave, go gallivanting with" he took a pause to whimper "your new bbg" he turned away, as to hide the river of tears excreting from his peepers

"I shan't leave you in this state, bamboosnap, i simply shan't" y/n said sympathetically.

"y/n, the longer you're here, the more i yearn you"

"Stop it" y/n said visibly blushing

For a single second, when their eyes locked, it was like the old days.they lost control and leaned in, but y/n snapped out of it and backed away toward the door

"I'm sorry bandicootisoapopera, i have somebody else, i can't do this" y/n said, visibly in excruciating pain

"But y/n-" bandersnatch yangled

"No bangledanglesimpson, i can't" she blubbered, before mustering all her weight to push open the door, and walking back out into the cafe.

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