Chapter Ch29 - Tease me until you die!

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“I haven’t taken it.” Laughter shone in Gu Kaifeng’s eyes as he shook his head, and as he and Lin Feiran were pressed together, their noses rubbed from the movement. Gu Kaifeng said intimately, “I was waiting for you to feed it to me.”

“Don’t fuss.” Lin Feiran shyly retracted his neck, but just as he gained some distance, Gu Kaifeng’s hand pressed him back down again.

Gu Kaifeng maintained the position where their foreheads were touching, and laughed, “Did you think I was about to kiss you just now?”

That tiny, secret thought that even Lin Feiran himself had not understood took a sudden and direct hit. Lin Feiran internally panicked and hurried to loudly deny it. “No! Do you think I let my thoughts run wild the way you do?”

Gu Kaifeng let out a noncommittal ‘hmm’ and lowered his gaze to look at Lin Feiran’s lips. “I’m worried I’ll infect you.” As he finished, he lightly pinched the nape of Lin Feiran’s neck as if he were picking up a kitten. “If not, I’d kiss you until you couldn’t breathe.”

Lin Feiran broke the hold Gu Kaifeng had on the back of his neck and hurried to stand up, saying, “I’ll find you some medicine.”

When Lin Feiran had that high fever last time, he had only taken one dose of the cold and fever medicine Gu Kaifeng had bought him before putting it away. There was still a lot left.

Lin Feiran opened the cabinet door, his butt sticking out as he rummaged for the box of medicine at the very bottom. Gu Kaifeng stared at the butt encased in black uniform pants, his eyes radiating hunger like a wolf that had starved for several days.

Lin Feiran, who was searching for the medicine, whipped around as if reacting to having been touched. His gaze met Gu Kaifeng’s that was filled with naked hunger he had not bothered to conceal, and his cheeks instantly heated. He subconsciously tugged at his uniform jacket as if trying to extend the hem a little in order to cover his butt. At the same time, he warned Gu Kaifeng with an unhappy expression, “If you keep looking at me like that, I won’t care for you anymore.”

Gu Kaifeng obediently lowered his eyes and stared at the ground. As if begging for mercy, he said, “I won’t look. Care for me.”

Lin Feiran muttered softly, “Just burn to death already.”

Gu Kaifeng let out a joyful laugh. He intentionally mixed up his pronunciation as he repeated, “Just frustrate me to death already.”

My roommate is especially annoying! Lin Feiran huffed as he popped out two cold pills and one fever pill. Picking up an unopened bottle of mineral water, he turned back just in time to see a weak-looking Gu Kaifeng leaning against his pillow, his face burning red. Remembering that Gu Kaifeng had gotten sick from being rained on when was rescuing the kittens, Lin Feiran’s heart suddenly went soft. He wanted to take better care of this especially frustrating patient. So, he took the cup Gu Kaifeng had previously used, poured in the mineral water until it was a little less than half full, and topped it off with hot water from the thermos. He then tipped a little onto the back of his hand to test the temperature.

“Take your medicine.” Lin Feiran brought the cup and pills to Gu Kaifeng’s mouth, his tone cold and inflexible, a stark contrast to the steam wafting from the cup.

Gu Kaifeng stretched out his neck as if his hands were out of commission, his lips gently landing on Lin Feiran’s palm. Using the tip of his tongue, he swiped the three pills into his mouth.

Lin Feiran’s hand trembled. The small moist patch of skin on the hollow of his palm felt as if it were on fire.

“Where are your hands?” Lin Feiran was so mad he ground his teeth.

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