Chapter Ch15 - He was this unwilling to concede that he was old!

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“I’ll be going out, I’ve been cooped up for a week already.”Gu Kaifeng’s gaze fell on Lin Feiran, who seemed to want to say something but had stopped himself. Gu Kaifeng smiled slightly then asked very casually, “Where do you want to go?”

Lin Feiran wondered, “Aren’t you going out with Wang Zhuo and the others?”

“I don’t plan on going with them.” Gu Kaifeng ditched his original plans in a second. “They want to go to a bar and I find that too noisy. Where do you usually hang out on weekends?”

“I usually go with my friends—” Lin Feiran paused and swallowed back the words ‘to sing karaoke’.

What was the difference between dragging a tone-deaf person to karaoke and taking a cripple to a disco? Nothing!

“Normally we go shopping, watch a movie, play video games — that sort of thing,”Lin Feiran said considerately.

“Then let’s do that. Let’s stop at the classroom to grab our homework and go to the dorm to change clothes first.” Gu Kaifeng put on his uniform jacket and made a phone call as he walked out of the music room. Since he was walking very quickly and Lin Feiran still had to lock the music room’s door, Gu Kaifeng rapidly put a lot of distance between them.

The corridor near the music room was very quiet so even though Lin Feiran was far away, he could still faintly hear Gu Kaifeng’s voice as it drifted down the hall, carrying with it an overtone of playfulness. “Little Zhuo-zi… I have something going on tonight and won’t be joining you… Yes, I’m spending time with my wife. What? Jealous of me? …”

What wife! Lin Feiran’s face swiftly went hot. He hurriedly snatched his keys from the lock and, taking the longest strides he could with his two not-very-long-legs, flew down the hall. Simmering with aggression, he cut a path to Gu Kaifeng. Each step he took resonated heavily from his anger. Once he stood before Gu Kaifeng, he fixed him with a stern glare, his eyes accusing him of having let his mouth run away like a train!

“I can’t talk anymore, I’ve made him angry, bye-bye.” Gu Kaifeng’s mouth was speaking into his cellphone, but his eyes were looking at Lin Feiran. He was currently standing in front of a window and the warm sunlight that passed through the glass illuminated the bottom of his eyes, making them glitter brightly like two pieces of chestnut brown stained glass.

Lin Feiran looked into his eyes and was momentarily dazed.

Gu Kaifeng hung up the phone and slid it back into the pocket of his pants. As though he had not noticed in the slightest that Lin Feiran was angry, he very casually patted Lin Feiran’s head and strode around him. Heading towards the descending staircase, he asked, “What would you like to eat tonight? My treat.”

Lin Feiran rushed to catch up, demanding, “Who did you say was your wife just now?”

A faint smile was on Gu Kaifeng’s face. He said leisurely, “Do you care a lot about this issue?”

“Don’t care, just asking.” I’m a straight guy! Why would I be concerned about a joke? Lin Feiran shook his head self-righteously and swiftly changed the topic. “As for food, let’s just split the bill.”

Gu Kaifeng tsked and said, “Troublesome. Next Saturday, you treat, then it’ll be fine.”

Next Saturday night was settled as well! Lin Feiran’s heart couldn’t help but leap in joy. He said happily, “Good, it’s agreed.”

The two arrived at their classroom to retrieve their bags and packed the homework they would have to turn in on Monday.

Lin Feiran took all of his homework with him. Although he still did not know what he would be doing that night, he couldn’t go back to the dorm and face that big group of ghosts alone no matter what. After getting their bags, the pair went back to the dorm and changed into casual clothes before leaving the school.

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