Life on the Line

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-I figured the suspense was killing you all, so I made the worst decision to not upload another chapter of this in three months (I think it was three months ;-;) :D

But hey, you finally get to know what happens! My goal is to finish this by the end of school (when the school year ends for me), and if not that, then sometime during summer. Thank you all for the support, and I love you all!!-


He's in danger. I need to find him. I need to tell him how much I love him. I have to. I have to save him. I will protect him at all costs like he protected me, I promised myself. But I don't know where he is.

"We'll find him, Yaz. Together." Sammy said firmly as if she read my mind, casting me out of my thoughts. I nodded, standing up. 

"You have no idea how much this means to me Sammy. Thank you, so much." I said, wiping my tears with a smile. She nodded to return the gesture as I left the room. What to do now...I can't save Ben because I have no idea where he is, and that's the only thing I can think about right now. I don't want him to get hurt. I want him to be with me, safe and warm. I want to be safe with him. But for now, what can I do to help? What can I do to help Ben once we find him? That's when an idea popped into my head. I ran and grabbed a plastic bag, searching for anything that could be useful. I ran into the bathroom and looked through the cabinets, finally finding some things I need.

First Aid kit supplies. 

Without hesitance, I grabbed all the disinfectant wipes and all the bandages. The small ones, the medium ones, and the large ones. Just in case he's injured. I even grabbed medical tape (I forget what it's called I'm sorry ;-;) and put it all in the bag. But now I started to wonder as I packed, why isn't all of this in an actual first aid kit? I shook my head to escape that thought, focusing on the possibilities of what happened to Ben. I grabbed a plastic bottle and filled it with water, closing the lid as tight as I can so no water leaks from the bottle. I put that in the bag and zipped the bag up, leaving the bathroom as I stormed towards the bedroom. Kenji and Darius saw me, following me with curiosity. I grabbed a backpack I found in the corner, assuming it's May's and stuffed a blanket in there, along with the first aid kit I made. 

"Yaz?" Darius asked. I jumped, turning around, seeing him and Kenji at the door. I knew they would follow me, but somehow it still scared me.

"What are you doing?" Kenji finished for Darius. I looked at the backpack, then back to the two boys.

"Umm.." I started, unable to make the decision to tell them or not.

"What's going on in here?" Brooklynn asked, walking into the room, followed by Sammy.

"I'm going to rescue Ben." I blurted, shutting my eyes tight. There was no response, just faces of surprise and worry. 

"You could get yourself killed," Darius said in a worried tone. 

"At this point, I don't care anymore." I snapped back. "His life is on the line."

"And so is yours if you go try to find him!" Darius argued. I stayed silent, walking up closer to the gang.

"You guys really don't understand.." I whispered, tears filling my eyes.

"Please, let's not argue.." Kenji attempted, but I silenced him before he could say anything stupid. 

"Yaz, you're wrong." Sammy said, pushing her way through the crowd. "I understand."

"Understand what..?" Brooklynn asked.

"It's not my place to say. Yaz will say it herself, only if she's comfortable with it." Sammy answered, causing everyone to look towards me. I just let the tears fall down my cheeks, falling weakly to the floor. Everyone huddled around me in sorrow and worry, Brooklynn placing her hand on my back for comfort. 

"What's wrong, Yaz?" She asked gently. 

"I-I don't know what to do.." I started, stammering. "I c-couldn't save him and it's my fault he's gone! I need to m-make it up to h-him and s-save him...I can't live without him, not after all he's done for me.." I continued to cry, the group staying silent and listening carefully. "I love much...and I need to tell him..I need to rescue him..." 

"Then we'll rescue him together." Kenji said firmly. 

"We won't let you do it alone, not after what you've been through." Darius chimed in.

"We're with you until the end, Yaz. Nothing can stop it, nothing can block it or mess it up." Sammy continued. 

"He's our friend, our family. And he's your future boyfriend." Brooklynn teased before getting serious again. "We will all save him, no matter what."

"T-thanks guys," I stammered, crying with a smile as we all had a group hug.

"Now, we just need a plan." Kenji pointed out before I went back to the backpack.

I smiled, wiping the tears from my eyes and turning around to face them. "I might have an idea for our rescue mission."


I awoke in the same place, this time tied to a chair. The BRAD I ran into was in front of me, watching my every move. It scares me, just being stared into the soul. Then again, I did try to escape. Only to get back to Yaz. I'm not stopping until I see her one last time, even if I get killed afterwards. As soon as I get back, I'm going to tell her how much she means to me. Confess my strong feelings of love for her, even if she doesn't feel the same way. I just want her to know. I struggled in the ropes, trying to untie the knot to get free. It was risky, but I'm going to do whatever it takes, just to tell Yaz that I love her. The BRAD continued to stare into my soul as I began to untie the knot keeping hold of me. When I finally got free, I dodged the BRADs attack by jumping to the left, rolling onto my back. I quickly got up and ran as fast as I could through the doors, and throughout the building.

"Where do you think you're going?" He said, smirking as he round the corner. Kash had two BRADs following him, causing me to not get through him and not go back the way I came.

"Back to my friends, you idiot," I snapped back. Especially Yaz, I thought.

"Not on my watch, kid." Kash responded. I ran while he said that, hearing him scream in anger behind me as all his BRADs chase me through the hallway. There was the sound of shattering glass, making me jump, but also making me happy. 

A way to escape.

I ran towards where the sound came from, running out of breath. I can't afford to stop now, I'm too close. More windows broke just as I was pulled into a dark closet by a familiar grasp.


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