Deja Vu

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"What?!" Brooklynn exclaimed. 

"That's extremely risky." May mentioned. 

"I know. But it may be our only option." Kenji explained. 

"But then who's going to be the one getting captured?" Darius asked.

"That's what we need to discuss," Kenji answered. "Either we all vote on someone or someone volunteers."

"I'll go, I guess." Ben offered. I turned my attention towards him and finally spoke.

"What? Why?" I questioned him with worry.

"Because. . .reasons." he said. 

"That doesn't answer my question." I said stubbornly. I didn't want him risking his life, and he's already been through enough. 

"They're personal reasons that I'm not comfortable with sharing." Ben responded. 

"You could have said they were personal earlier," I said a little bitterly. Ben gave me a look, looking a little hurt as if he'd been stabbed with a dagger. 

"Guys, please don't fight," Sammy pleaded. 

"Fine, but I'm going." I said. "And that's final."

"Alright, I guess Yaz is gonna play into the hands of Kash." Darius said with a sigh. It looked like he knew something no one else did. 

"No!" Ben argued. 

"You've already risked your life for us!" I yelled, turning back towards him. "I don't need you to do it again!" I was on the verge of tears and my voice was shaky, so I ran into the bedroom. He's my best friend, I worry and care about him. I don't need him to do something hazardous for us, he already did that once and it scared the crap out of me. I can't handle the thought of him dying. Ben walked into the room with a sorrowful face, and came to sit down next to me. 

"What's wrong?" he asked me, worry filled in his voice. He rested a gentle hand on my shoulder as a few tears escaped my eyes. 

"I-i. . ." I stuttered. More tears flowed down my face as Ben pulled me into a hug, and I buried my face in his shoulder. I couldn't speak.

"It's okay. You can tell me," he whispered softly. I've never felt more secure or cared for, and I loved this feeling. I've never had it, but it feels nice. 

"I-i just can't stand the t-thought of you possibly d-dying." I stammered. "W-when you risked your life by protecting us from the saber-tooth, I-i was s-scared something was g-going to happen t-to you. . .I h-hate when I get t-that thought. . ." I broke down, letting my tears pour out of my eyes like a water faucet. Ben started to mildly rub circles on my back to calm me down, and shortly after, I fell asleep in his arms. 


She fell asleep in my arms, so I gently placed her against the bed and tucked her in. I moved hair out of her face and mildly kissed her forehead. I left the room with a red face and a warm smile, and heard the others discussing their plan. 

"So, what's the plan? I was calming down Yaz, so I missed all the things you guys were saying." I asked. They all gave me a smirk, and ran the plan by me. 

After what seemed like an hour, I went back to where all the beds were to wake up Yaz. 

"Yaz, it's time to wake up." I said, softly shaking her shoulder. She opened her eyes and sat up, stretching her arms. 

"Why?" she yawned. I gave her a loving smile.

"We're putting our plan into action." I responded. I told her the plan, then we walked out the cave with the rest of the group. May was dressed nicely and had an angry face on. We were walking through the forest, following May to get to our destination. Yaz and I were behind the rest of the group, and with a shaky hand, I gently grabbed her hand. She looked at me and smiled, intertwining our fingers. There was a long silence between us, and it was a little unsettling. 

"Soooo. . ." she started. "Who ate grubs first, you or Bumpy?"

"On purpose, me." I replied. She laughed slightly, and I gave her another loving smile. God, she's beautiful, I thought. And stubborn, fierce, strong, and daring. 

"That sounds like a story." she said. I love her so much. . . "Ben?" I returned to reality when she called my name. 

"Yeah?" I asked. 

"How did you end up trying grubs first?" she questioned with a curious smile. I told her the story, and by the time I  was finished, we reached our location. We all hid in the bushes as May walked over to Kash. She had said she had to meet up with him, and that's when we can do something. I couldn't hear anything the two were saying, but May looked a bit startled. About five minutes later, Kash brings out a tablet  with a bitter face. He pressed a button on the digital device, and a pair of two Velociraptors jumped out of the bushes. They stalked around May, and right when they were about to pounce, Sammy pulled her out of the way and into the bushes. Kash seemed to notice and got even angrier. 

"What do you kids think your doing?!" he yelled. 

"Too the trees! Now!" Brooklynn yelled to everyone, ignoring Kash. I followed Yaz to one of the bases of a tree and helped her get up as quickly as I could. I climbed up after her, but I lost my footing and nearly fell.

"BEN!" Yaz screamed, grabbing my hand and holding it tightly. The deja vu I'm getting. . . I thought with a terrified expression. I was dangling from the tree, holding tightly onto Yaz's hand. Tears were streaming down her cheeks, and I let one tear escape my eye. 

"Yaz. . ." I started. "Let go."

"NO!" she screamed in distress. She tried pulling me up, but she lost some of her grip. 

"Fine." I said.

"B-ben. . ?" she stuttered. "W-what are you doing. . ?"

"If you won't let go-"

"B-ben. . . no. . ." 

"T-then I will." I stammered. I let go of her hand, ignoring everything around me and closing my eyes, hearing her screaming as I hit the floor and was carried away.

~Sorry I got a little bit lazy towards the end. ;-; BUT NOW ITS SUMMER BREAK FOR ME!!!! I CAN POST MORE STUFF, FINALLY!!!~

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