Auradon Girl

494 8 2

Third pov

Mal snap out of her trance as reporters surrounded her with cameras flashing and people yelling questions.

Reporter 1 looks at Mal saying

"Mal, please, over here! Mal!"

Reporter 2 looks at Mal saying

"Only three days to the Royal Cotillion. Ever think a girl like you would be Lady of the Court?" Holding a recording device.

Reporter 3 looks at Mal saying

"How does it feel to be the most envied girl in Auradon?"

Mal went to answer the question but was interrupted by another reporter.

Reporter 4 says

"Well, do you like being blonde?"

Reporter 5 says

"Is your mother still a lizard?"

Mal looked at her with a glare as Ben came up beside Mal looking at the reporters and say

"Okay. All right. Excuse me. Uh, we will let you know if and when that particular situation changes."

Then another reporter ask the couple

"Did you ever think you'd be with a Villain Kid?"

Ben chuckles looking at the reporter saying

"We're done here"

More reporters tries to ask more question but Fairy Godmother saying

"Okay. Shush, shush. Shoosh, shoosh. Shoosh, shoosh. This is still a school, so if you're here, you're either skipping or trespassing."

Reporter 3 says

"Just one quick question"

Fairy Godmother says

"Shush. Shush!"

Reporter 3 says

"Fairy Godmother!"

Fairy Godmother says

"Shhh. Shhh. Shhh." As she made everyone leave.

Fairy Godmother looks at Ben and Mal saying

"Ben, Mal"

They smiled saying

"Fairy Godmother" as they watched her walk away.

Mal let out a breathe of relief saying


Ben chuckles saying

"Don't pay any attention to them."

Mal looks at him saying

"Well, that's a lot easier said than done, right?"

Ben looks at her saying

"I know. I know. You know, maybe we should do something. We should go somewhere. Get away"

Mal smiles saying


Then Ben remembers that he has a meeting with the council as he looks at Mal saying

"You know, what do-- I have a council meeting. I'm so late!"

Mal looks at him saying

"That's okay"

Ben looks at her saying

"We'll-- We'll do it sometime. Uh..."

Then Evie and Akira came up looking at Ben as Evie say

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