Stop The Wedding

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Draco's POV

Once in my suit, we apparated to the burrow. Blaise pulled me through the front door and up the stairs. Once we reached a door, he pushed it open. We walked in...only no one was there.

"Shit," he cursed. He walked to the window and cursed again.

"What?" I asked confused.

"The wedding started!" He pulled me back down the stairs.

"Blaise wait!" He paused and looked at me. "I can't just barge into her wedding!"

"You can and you will. What did you think was going to happen with you got here?" He turned to pull me out the back door, but my feet stayed glued. "Mate, come on." I shook my head. What was I thinking?

"You're here!" We turned our head to see Ginny carrying a glass of water. "Thank Godric you're here!" She squealed.

"Hey love, we were just about to crash the wedding," Blaise said kissing her cheek.

"No. I can't. It was one thing when I would be speaking to her alone, it's another to just waltz in and declare my love for her," I said shaking my head. Ginny grabbed my hand.

"You can and you will. You love her Draco and she loves you. Enough playing this stupid game." She pulled me gently to the door and I followed. What was I doing?

Hermione's POV

I tried to keep my hands from shaking as Ron grabbed them. He wore a smile, but I could see his anger behind his eyes. We had started the wedding late and he was upset. I had wanted to wait for Blaise to get back from wherever he had went. At this point, I had drowned out the sound of Kingsley talking. What am I doing? I pulled my hands out of Ron's, causing his fake smile to drop from his face.

"Stop," I said quietly. Kingsley stopped talking and looked at me with concern. My breathing became rapid. Ron's face showed his anger now.

"Stop the wedding!" At the sound of his voice, I turned my head to see a blonde man standing in the middle of the isle. Ginny and Blaise stood on either side of him grinning ear to ear.

"Oh thank fuck," Theo said rather loudly from his seat.

"Draco? What are-"

"Please Hermione, let me get this all out before I shut it all in again." He said smiling at me. He took a few small steps forward. "I've been a coward, a fool, an idiot, whatever you want to call me, I won't deny it. I let my fear take over and keep me from telling you the truth. The truth of how I feel about you." I went to step down from the small platform at the front, only for Ron to grab ahold of my arm.

"Ronald, let go of me." Surprisingly he listened. I then noticed Harry had his wand to Ron's back. He grinned and nodded toward Draco. I took another step toward him and he took another toward me.

"Hermione, I'm done being scared. I'm done living in fear. I have to tell you before it eats me alive." He took a deep breath. "I love you. I love you more than life itself. I can't imagine being with anyone but you. I don't want to be with anyone but you. So, don't marry Ron. Be with me. You don't have to marry me, but I promise from this day on I will spend every single fucking day of my life proving to you how much I love you. I'll spend my days showering you in love, gifts, whatever you want. I'll be there to hold you when things get messy. I'll be there to praise you when you succeed in your career. I want to be there with you when you get your first grey hair." I couldn't help but giggle at his words. I sniffled as more tears gathered in my eyes. I took another step toward him smiling. "I want to be with you. I want to go on dates, I want the fights, I want the good nights, I want it all. I want to get down on my knee one day and ask you to marry me. I want to have a family with you. I want you Hermione. I promise that I will love you for the rest of our lives." He grabbed my hands once we reached other. "I will never lay a hand on you. You will know nothing but happiness."

"Draco..." His hands came to my face and wiped the tears that were falling.

"Say you'll leave with me Hermione," he said looking into my eyes. I smiled at his hopeful face.

"It's about damn time you admitted it," I whispered. I grabbed his collar pulling him to me and met his lips with mine. His arms wrapped around my waist, holding me ever so tightly. I could hear our friends screaming from joy. It seems this was what they were all waiting for, myself included. When I pulled away from him, his hand caressed my cheek. He smiled down at me and I couldn't stop the grin I was growing.

"Not to ruin the moment," Ginny said stepping up to us, "but what did you mean you would never lay a hand on her?" Draco turned his eyes to mine. He nodded at me reassuringly and squeezed my hand. I turned back to the front of the tent where Ron stood seething with anger.

"Ron abused me. He's been doing it since January." A collection of gasps were heard, but Molly Weasleys scolding was heard above all. We watched as she stomped up to her son in anger. She grabbed his ear and drug him out of the tent. I was free. Free to love the man I truly love. I turned back to him smiling.

"I love you Hermione," he said grabbing my face with his hands. "I'm sorry it took me so long to admit it."

"I love you too Draco Malfoy." He brought his lips back to mine, kissing me with all the love he had. All was right now. Everything would be perfect from here on out.


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