I'm Fine

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Hermione's POV

"Draco stop!" I laughed as he grabbed me around my waist. I had been running from him and his hands that were tickling me, but he caught me. He let out a hearty laugh as he swung me around.

"Nope. I caught you. Sorry you're slow Granger," he said laughing. He carried me over to the sofa in our common room and sat down. I was in his lap and his arms were still wrapped around my waist.

"Draco let me go!" I try to sound serious, but I can't help the giggles coming from my mouth.

"I don't think I will. I rather like holding onto you." I blushed at his words, but he did what he always does. He shut down. He cleared his throat and unwrapped his arms from my waist. "Sorry." I sighed standing to my feet.

"Why do you do that?" I ask him with my hands on my hips.

"Do what?" He asked. His face was emotionless as he rubbed the back of his neck. He always does this.

"Shut down when you say something that might mean you like me. That might make whatever this is," I say throwing my hands in the air, "seem real."


"Don't give me some bullshit excuse either. I'm done with those! Just tell me how you feel...please." I stared at him with hope filled eyes.

"You're with Ron, Hermione. It's not like I can just proclaim all these feelings for you when you're dating another man. It's not right." His voice raised as he stood to his feet. He began pacing behind the sofa and running his hands through his hair. His tell sign of stress.

"I would leave him! You know I would! I would leave him for you! I've made it known how I feel about you! Why can't you just admit that you might feel the same way?" I could feel the tears gathering behind my eyes, but I forced them down the best I could.

"It's not that simple. You know what would happen if I said anything. It would blow up in your face! A war heroine with a death eater! I couldn't do that to you! I won't do that to you! You're safe and happy with Ron. He's more than I could ever be to you..." he stared at me with sadness in his eyes. Feeling a tear fall down my face, I simply nodded. He walked around the sofa and brought his hand to my face to wipe away the tear. I jerked away from his touch.

"I can't keep doing this Draco. If you don't want me, then I can't be...this, whatever it is, with you anymore. My emotions can't take it." I turned and went to my room.

2 weeks later

I sniffed as I tried to cover the bruise on my cheek. No one can know. I kept telling myself those four little words. No one can know.

"Hermione, can we talk?" Draco asked from the other side of my door. I gasped and went into a full blown panic.

"Just a minute!" I jumped for my wand, but wasn't quick enough. Draco stepped into my room.

"Are you okay? You sounded weird and I just wanted to-" he stopped mid-sentence. His eyes turned from being concerned, to anger. "What happened?!" He roared coming to my side. He cupped my face in his hand and I flinched. "Did Ron hit you?" He grabbed my face with gentle hands.

"No! No of course not!" I said, but the tears gave me away.

"I'm going to kill him!" Draco turned to storm out.

"No wait! Please! Draco, please!"

"No Hermione! That Weasel hit you! He needs to understand you cannot lay your hands on a woman! Especially a woman you love!" The tears fell faster and harder now.

"Draco...can you just hold me? Please? I want to forget..." At my words, his anger broke. He walked back over to me and cradled me in his arms.

"He won't lay another hand on you," he whispered into my hair.

"Hermione?" I snapped my head up as Ginny tapped my shoulder. I hadn't realized I had zoned out...that I had been thinking of him...

"Sorry Gin, I must've been daydreaming." I smile trying to put on a brave face.

"Honey, you know you don't have to do this...right? I know your heart doesn't belong to my brother. I know that you and Dr-"

"Stop." I put my hand up to stop her from talking. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. Opening them again, I found Ginnys eyes staring back at me. "I can't think about him. I'm marrying Ron. That's that."

"But Hermione, you don't need to marry a man you don't love," she said grabbing my hand. Pansy sat down beside me bringing her hand to my shoulder.

"Hermione, please listen to us. You don't want this," she said. Pansy and Ginny were my best friends. Pansy being apart of our friend group surprised everyone, but what's new? Pansy, Theo, Blaise....Draco, they had all become our friends.

"Mione, please," Harry said from where he leaned against the wall. "What can we say that will convince you to leave Ron and be with the man you truly love?"

They all knew where my true feelings are. Who my true feelings are for. Hell, the whole Weasley clan knows. For months on end, they all tried their best to talk me out of marrying Ron, not because of...because of what he's done...no one knows about that except Draco. They all tried because they all know I don't love him. They know I'm going to be entering a loveless marriage. If they knew the other part...well they would be murderous.

Blaise sat with Theo on the other bed in the room. Blaise's face didn't hide his anger. Theo wore the same expression. We were currently sitting in Ginny's room at the burrow. I had asked for a small wedding with just our family and few friends. It took a lot of bargaining with Ron to allow an invite to be sent to Blaise, Theo, and Draco. He didn't want them here, but I did. Draco hadn't shown up. I knew he wouldn't. Blaise had mentioned how he tried to drag him here, but it didn't work. I guess it was a good thing he didn't come. I don't think I'd have been able to go through with the wedding if he had.

"Guys, really, stop. I'm marrying Ron. That's it. I might not love him like I should, but I'm sure I will." I gave what I thought was a convincing smile, but it seemed by their reactions, they didn't believe it.

"Fuck this," Blaise said standing to his feet. He apparated from the spot he stood, leaving us all confused.

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