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Start of story, Enjoy 😹😹


Hackula walked out of class, bumping into someone in the process (on accident 👺). Hackula and the person both fell to the floor, "Oh! I'm v-very sorr-," Hackula started but then saw who it was. "Watch where you're going asshole," they said as they got up, Hackula rolled his eyes. He noticed who it was, the one and only,

Santa Claus himself.

———                                                               ———

Now, no one in the school was as hated as Santa is, as he was bossy and shit like that. Which is what made him be hated a lot, but no one could lay a finger on him, other than his shitty ass friends he has. Santa was special, I guess you can say. Since he's Santa, he is special and everyone knows the reason why.

Anyways, Santa didn't mind everyone as long as they didn't bother him, but Hackula was something else. Hackula was always the one to beat Santa in (almost) everything, he was smart and most people liked him. He was the exact opposite of Santa.

The both of them never got along, as they were opposites. They hated one another, for every damn reason I just explained.

They looked at one another once more before they both left to go to their next class. Hackula walked to his next class and sat down. Hearing the teacher calling out the names of the other students, Hackula wasn't paying attention.

Someone threw a piece of paper at him. He looked at who threw it at him, he noticed that it was Ikuno. Ikuno looked at him, smiled lightly, and waved at him. Hackula waved back and noticed that Ikuno was pointing to the note on his desk.

Hackula then picked up the note and read what Ikuno had to say to him. He immediately noticed what Ikuno was referring to. 'Are you okay? Are you fine? Do you need help?' Hackula read in his head.

He turned his head to Ikuno, who happened to still be staring at him. He grabbed a piece of paper and responded to Ikuno's questions, telling her that he didn't need any help.

He passed the paper and saw Ikuno read it. Ikuno rolled her eyes, she looked at him in disappointment. She wanted to help Hackula, but he would always tell her, "I don't need help Ikuno. I have all of this under control, don't worry."

Despite Hackula's answer, Ikuno still promised herself to help him whenever she can. She then put the paper away and then the teacher called her name. Ikuno answered with the well-known "Here!". Hackula looked outside his window, waiting for his name to be called. 'This is going to be a long day..' Hackula thought as he looked up at the blue, bright sky.


Santa was in class, sitting in his chair. The teacher was talking about something that didn't interest him. So, he asked to go to the bathroom, and the teacher had to say yes. Santa then got up and started making his way to the bathrooms, but then he heard something coming from the bathrooms. He looked inside and heard someone talking to themselves.

"Hmm... I just wonder what Ikuno would think. I'll ask her what she thinks about it and then try to–" "Try to what?.." Hackula then shot up, noticing who said that. He looked down, "It's..nothing.." he said. Santa then looked at him, wanting to get an answer out of him. "What do you mean, 'it's nothing'? I have the right to get an answer out of you." Santa said, angered.

Hackula walked towards him and said, "I thought I said it's nothing, now leave me alone, will you?" Hackula then walked out of the bathroom, leaving Santa surprised and suspicious of him. "I'll get that answer no matter what.." he then left to go back to class and was looking for a plan to get an answer from him.

(657 words)

A/n: I know, 'very short first chapter no?'. This is all I have right now, I'll be updating whenever I finish a chapter of the story. Hopefully, I can finish writing the rest of the story without distracting myself from this. I'll probably update very little because of the time I have left before school starts.

Thank you for reading! See ya in the next chapter!
- Suni

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