Chapter 12

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That afternoon, Rena found herself gazing out the window at the view of Hanna City. Her mind was foggy, full of a blur of memories. In the background, she heard the door woosh open and the voices of beings outside the room.

"She is still recovering, Senators," Dr Kalonia remarked. "She won't be herself just yet."

Not myself? I have never been more myself. So Rena thought as she gripped the chair. But then, she shook that dark feeling away in a split second. No, no, noo...


Crouching in front of Jedi Master Rena, Senator Organa reached out to her through the force. "Master Rena," she said, putting and hand on her knee. "There is someone who really wants to see you."

"Hmm, okay. Just give me a moment," Rena replied as she closed her eyes and breathed. It seemed like she was centring herself in a moment of looking into her soul.

Standing, Leia turned to the New Republic representative of Isobe, Senator Navi. He looked nervous, folding and unfolding his hands. He had shared with her his part in Rena's story. How he feared he hadn't done enough. Leia had felt all those feelings through him, but she could also feel a strange coldness radiating from Rena, that she hadn't before.

As Rena looked up, it was gone, and she turned and smiled as she saw Navi. "Thank you." She said as she grasped Leia's hand.

"It's the least I could do," Leia replied with a nod of respect.

Master Rena, although more centred, still wasnt the woman Leia remembered. Standing, she nodded, looked to the Isoben senator, and gave a slight nod. "I'll leave you two alone."


Rena tried to keep herself together. It wasnt just the spice that dulled the pain of background noise, she was relying on the force to help her. With all that in mind, she looked at the figure in front of her. "Senator Navi."

"Master Rena," pausing, Navi smiled. "I wish I could have done more for you."

"All these years, I was wrong, I thought a Jedi survivor had saved me, but it was you?" Feeling of anger, guilt, and something in between bubbled in Rena.

"No, it was a Jedi; she brought you to us." Pausing, the senator looked Rene in the eye, and she knew what would be said. She used to hope for this ... "Your mother and I." She had known for so long. It had caused her pain and coursed their pain; that much was evident in the eyes of the man in front of her.

This is a tough decision Navi. Rena remembered the voice of human women. We tried once before, and now they are said to be traitors.

I couldn't say no.

Although they were memories from another time, Rena recalled the time she knew this truth for what it was. Looking at the senator, she smiled. "Thank you for what you did." She had placed and hand on his.

"But you're a Jedi." Senator Navi replied with a sad smile.

"I am." Rena felt the disappointment radiate from this man and also regret. There was so much she wanted to say but thought she couldn't. As he stood, she wished he could hear her thoughts, feel the force in the way she could. Regret. There it was. This feeling was her own too.


Senator Organa waited outside the room, and hearing the door woosh open; she stood to see Senator Navi step out. "Is everything okay?"

Looking at the young woman, he gave a slight smile and nodded. "I'm just glad I could see her alive and well."

Watching her fellow senator walk away, Leia couldn't help but be curious about their connection. She had remembered Master Rena from her childhood, had known that she had known her father. Like so many times since the destruction of her world, Leia wished she could talk with her father.

Stepping through the door, Leia put her role as a senator back in her mind. Then, as Rena sat still looking through the window, the young woman sat quietly next to her. 

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