Chapter 2

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Kheb, a world protected by nebular, out on the fringes of Wild Space, didnt seem like the ideal travel destination to many in the galaxy, but to me, it was home. I felt the pull to this place. Perhaps it was the kyber rich deposits, which would be what a scientist would say.

"Here on Kheb, the temple dates back millennia," I said as I walked with young Luke. "The Zeffo culture is still practised by particularly observant beings in the Fjordlands of the Knossos Provence; it's a day-long trek to get there."

"I would love to investigate the Zeffo culture," Luke replied, his curiosity flowing through him. He wanted to be here, explore, living among the people. But he was being held back by the New Republic.

"But?" I pried.

Smiling at my observance, Luke looked back at me. "But, at this time, I'm required just to do the New Republic mission." There was also an evident sadness to this remark.

"Young Skywalker, the one you seek, Kaider Waiwing, serves as Matriarch in the Knossos Temple," I remarked as I stopped at the steps of the Temple. "As the adage goes, why not free two birds with one key."

"A day's walk?" He asked as he looked over to Leia, a group of younglings.

"A day's walk," I confirmed. "If we leave early, we'll even make it for the evensong. You'll see the Fjord full of paper lanterns. It's quite the sight." I added, remembering all the times I had taken the same trek.

"You don't need to be a tourist munger," Luke smiled. "As you say, why not free two birds with one key." He added with a nod.

There was still that feeling of unease in him as Luke spoke. I wanted to bring it up, but the young senator called him away before I could. Seeing them interact brought an odd feeling to me. Leia was no longer the little girl who made daisy chains; she was now a fierce and robust young woman. She also now knew pain, more significant than anyone would know.

Sitting on the steps, I felt the warmth around my shoulders. "Your feelings betray you." Master Rena said as she looked into my eyes.

"And you're having a hard time trusting the New Republic," I replied. "But this is Princess Leia Organa; of all people to come, I feel I can trust her," I added, looking back to my former master.

Although she was Sephi and still relatively young at 64, Master Rena's years started to show. She wore the scars and pain of the Jedi Purge. But, she had also been entirely honest with me. Standing, I turned to look Rena eye to eye. She gave me a contemplative look, pursed her lips and nodded.


Our little village hosted Luke and Leia for a small banquet that night. But, of course, it was customary to eat together as a community anyway. Of course, everyone wanted to meet the strapping young man who had been the talk of the holonet for his part in taking down not just one Deathstar. But two, and of course, they wanted to meet Leia, the last Princess of Alderaan; there were even some Alderaanian settlers among us.

"Master Brauta told me why they've come," Mistress Waiwing said as she stood next to me. "I catered to Alderaanian taste this evening."

Turning to my late mother's dear friend, I smiled at her. "The Princess will be grateful, I'm sure."

Pulling me aside, Mistress Waiwing looked worried. "What will you do?" She asked as I had expected.

Taking a step back, I thought about telling her everything. Would that be the best? Probably not. It would be dishonest to say I didnt have concerns myself. "I'm not sure, but whatever will happen, I will be with her every step."

"Your mother died doing that," Waiwing replied. Then as if to recentre herself, she took a breath and nodded. "Anyway, how is your father?"

"He's alright; he spends a lot of time on the orbital station," I replied, thinking of how he spent his retirement.

"I know," she replied, looking a little worried. "Here," She added as she pulled a pastry box from her pocket. "Give him this."

I felt the love she had put into the package taking the box. My father had been filled with grief on our return years ago. He had been devoted to my mother. He also understood her beliefs. He was now an older man, still competent, but I wanted to have him be with me in the parsonage like any daughter.

"You spoil him, Auntie!" I replied with a rye smile.

"Someone has to." Replying with a smile and a gentle punch in the arm.


Having grown up in the Fellowship of The Children of Ashla, I had spent much of my childhood in this village, seeing it grow and change over the years. I was the spiritual leader, and my place in this community differed. I was now required to bless the meals, the crops, marriages, and deaths. I was trained in the Jedi arts and read most sacred texts, but my life was much more than the Jedi code. I felt a connection to this land. The Zeffo had called the force the life wind, and I thought it.

I felt young Skywalker watch me as I stood, his curiosity seeping into me. "I wanted to start this evening's meal with a welcome. Jedi Master Luke Skywalker and the Honourable Senator Leia Organa had come from the New Republic." Raising my glass of pink Blossom Wine, I locked eyes with the young Jedi. "Mother Ashla has guided you to us, and may your stay be fruitful." I didnt have the same ring in primary, but the sentiment was there.


The smell was the most unsettlingly familiar. It was the comfort of a rainy day in the palace on Alderaan, the dinner with her family, the markets in the city, the breeze on the windswept plains; it was everything she had never thought she would smell again. Closing her eyes, Leia savoured the food. "Mmm, my compliments to the chef. This is amazing."

"I'll tell her." Master Skou said with a smile. "Mistress Waiwing is truly gifted. Besides, we have a few Alderaanian families here on Kheb."

"Really?" As Leia looked around, she saw two families standing. Looking back, Leia didnt know what to say. She was overwhelmingly thankful she had taken this assignment from Mon Mothma.

For Luke, eating his dinner with the sound of the valachord and zither playing in the background was the most relaxing dinner he had enjoyed in a long time. The moment's joy radiated from his sister, which made him smile. She needed this. Maybe it would even give her the confidence to let him train little Ben.

"So, what's the plan?" Luke asked mid-mouthful.

"Master Skou suggested I conduct interviews with certain community members and the council. I thought that would be a good place to start." Leia replied as she ate, although very aware of the prying eyes.

"Then tomorrow, go on the long hike to the Fjord Temple?"

"Yes," She agreed, closing her eyes. Her mind was stimulated by the food and the fact that this was a haven for force users. The young princess had never been surrounded by so many, and she felt the force flow through this place. But, she wondered, did Luke feel this too? She also felt the pang of fear that perhaps the Republic was to be trusted. Leia had never known the former republic; she had grown to listen to stories; she had also never understood the Maja was a Jedi. There had been so many secrets.

She stepped outside and looked up to the stars; finding Alderaan in the night sky was her keystone when these feelings bubbled to the surface. Then, her mind went to the secret she decided to keep.

"Is everything alright, your Highness?" The elderly Twi'lek woman asked as she approached Leia.

Forcing a smile, Leia turned to see the women. "Yes, of course."

"As long as it isn't the food," the women remarked. "Sorry I intruded on your thoughts."

Looking back at the stars, Leia thanked the force for this journey. But, unfortunately, she wasnt as alone as she felt.

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