14 | Falling Action

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Y/N L/N was not the type to keep promises. Never really had been.

She'd say what needed to be said to keep her name out of scandal, and nothing else ever really occurred. No change in character, no amends, no nothing. It was all words.

Not this time. You told Spencer that before you even considered understanding your feelings for one another, you had to settle things with the only other person in this world who truly cares for you.

"Anissa, please...open the door." You exhaled, placing the bouquet of flowers next to the door—and the other 4 bouquets. "I don't know what you want me to do, I just need to talk to you."

A few more moments of silence.

"Bye," you muttered, leaving the building and covering your face with sunglasses and a large hat as you stepped outside. It always felt like someone had their eyes on you.

"It just sucks," you sighed, moving a chess piece.

"Bad move," Spencer said, grinning.

You rolled your eyes. "Back to Anissa, please."

"Fine, fine." He rest his chin on his hands. "So?"

You pursed your lips, a small blush creeping onto your cheeks. "You're really cute, you know."

"Friends don't say that, Y/N."

"Right, sorry." You sighed. "I don't know how I'm supposed to talk to Anissa if I can't even get her to open the door."

"Maybe you don't need her to open the door."

"What?" You furled your brows. "That was a stupid answer for a genius."

Spencer scoffed. "At least hear me out."

"Fine, fine. Explain."

"Odds are that Anissa is intentionally ignoring you, yeah?"


Spencer nodded. "So how does she know when you're gone? When she's clear to open the door and do whatever?"

"Uhh...how is that relevant?"

"What I'm getting at is that Anissa is more than likely listening to what you say from the other side. She might say it's to know when you're gone, but a big part of her subconscious wants you to say what she so desperately wants to hear."

You bit your lip. "Which is?"

"How would I know? I didn't fuck up my friendship with her."



"Touché." You fell back onto your couch. "I'm not doing it to you, right?"

"You do a lot of things to me, Y/N."

You blinked a few times, a sudden flutter in your stomach. "I—I mean what Anissa got mad at me for." You paused. "You know, using you for help when I need it but never being there for you as a friend and stuff."

Spencer smiled softly, sitting down next to you. "No, you're not."

You sat up. "How do you know?"

"You're allowed to come to your friends for help when it's necessary, Y/N. Sharing your feelings isn't a crime like you seem convinced that it is. Your situation with Anissa goes deeper than all of that." He brushed a small strand of hair behind your ear. "You're there for me, in a lot more ways than you realize."

You looked down at the ground, a small smile playing on your lips. "Yeah?"

Spencer's fingers slowly met your chin, lifting it so your eyes met his. "Yeah."

"Friends don't do this," you whispered.

"We can get a pass this once."

You smiled, closing your eyes as his lips gently touched yours.

This was different than last time. Last time it felt like they were kissing each other as if they never could again, months of built up feelings and emotions blowing up in one simple action. This time, it was like a reassurance. A 'you're okay' or an 'everything's okay.' It was nice. Too nice.

The two of you slowly pulled apart. "I think we're gonna have to stop doing that if we want this friends thing to last."

Spencer sighed. "Yeah." Oh, how he didn't want it to last.

You stood up. "I'm doing it tomorrow. Really making an effort to talk to Anissa."


You nodded.

"I'm proud of you."

"Thanks," you whispered. "You should probably go before we uh kiss again."

Spencer chuckled. "Of course."

Your fingers intertwined with his, his hand squeezing yours. "Bye."


A few seconds of lingering before Spencer separated your hands and left.

"Anissa?" You knocked on the door. "I really hope you're there listening or else this'll be totally awkward." You sat down outside the door. "Do you remember when we met?"


"Right, you aren't talking. Well, I was 20 and fresh off my first movie, and I think every management agency in Hollywood was swarming me. I didn't know what to do; most girls from small towns in Pennsylvania aren't hot shots in the industry." You chuckled. "One letter stood out to me."

You smiled.

"It was a pink envelope that smelled like rose with a sticker of Chad Michael Murray." You shook your head. "I knew I wanted to work with you after that. You stood with me through every rumor, every scandal, and every newspaper headline that made me look like a bitch and always defended me. It was your job, yes, but..." You wiped your eyes. "I feel like you would've defended me even if you didn't work for me."

You sniffled, laughing softly.

"I was awful to you. For some reason, I believed I was incapable of receiving your real affection and that it was all just an obligation for you." You played with the button on your cardigan. "But uhm I think now I realize that somehow, through all of my bullshit, you love me for who I am."


"Anissa, if you're there. I love you too, and I am so happy for you and Riley." You stood up. "I uh I'll see you." You headed for the stairs.


You turned around, a smile spreading across your face as a teary eyed Anissa stood in the doorway.

"Come here, you idiot."

You laughed, running over and hugging her. "I hate hugs, but I think I don't mind this one."

Anissa laughed. "My impact."

"Now show me that ring! Do you have a dress?"

"Come inside first, Y/N." Anissa giggled. "We have a lot to catch up on, yeah?"

"I wanna hear about you first."

She smiled softly. "Okay."

slayyyyy bffs reunited ft spencer and y/n being frustrated

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