3 | Action

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"I assure you, Spencer. Y/N is not as awful as she comes across to people."

Spencer sipped his coffee. "First impressions say a lot."

"I know how she can be, but she's—"

"She's got you in the palm of her hand. Why are you negotiating this with me instead of her?" Spencer raised an eyebrow.

Andy sighed, drumming his fingers on the table. "Profiling has made you a fun conversationalist."

"You know I respect you and your work, Andy, but I cannot deal with someone that cold and rude for such a lengthy period of time. I'm sure she can do this role without me." Spencer got up, heading to the door.

"Wait, Spencer!"

"I'm sorry."

Andy buried his face in his hands. "Y/N, you idiot."

"A little to the left."

You tilted your head, pressing your tongue to the roof of your mouth to sharpen your jawline.

"Perfection! Hold it right there!"

Cameras flashed, a few people murmuring about lighting changes or something.

"And...I think we've got it!"

You stretched out your neck—stiff from posing for what seemed like hours—and got up, grabbing some water. You glanced at your phone, various messages and calls from Andy.

"Hello?" You put the phone to your ear, recoiling at his yelling through the phone.

"Y/N! What the hell did you say to Dr. Reid?! 1 day in, and he wants to drop the contract!"

You shrugged. "If he can't deal with me, he can't. It isn't my issue."

"Y/N, not everything revolves around you."

"You say as you're pleading with me to do this to star in your movie."


"Listen, Andy." You motioned for a few minutes before resuming to a staff member. "I am far too busy to beg some random FBI agent, who is so boring by the way, to forgive me for not being perky and sweet up front. Is this all?"

Andy sighed through the phone. "How many more times are you gonna scare people off? Is it gonna take more bad press?"

You were quiet.

"Tell me, Y/N. Are you gonna live your entire career as the next headline when the news gets dry, endless articles about your supposed attitude? If you—"

"I'm hanging up." You shut off the phone, inhaling sharply.

"Miss L/N? May we continue?"

You slapped your own cheek, waking yourself up. "Let's go."

Spencer walked down the DC city street, cold air gently blowing against his face. He always quite enjoyed walking, observing people, places, and things. It was fascinating to him.

"Dr. Reid!"

Spencer stopped, smiling as he walked to the newspaper stand. "Good morning."

"My loyal customer, and the only man in DC who still reads newspapers." The owner grinned.

Spencer chuckled. "Do you have my favorite, Mr. Holloway?"

"I have all the Daily ones, but I need to get the international ones you asked for from the back. I'll be right back."

Spencer nodded, his eyes scanning the various tabloids on the shelves around him. One in particular caught his eye.

An image of the women he met the day before walking in the very same sunglasses with a stoic expression.

Y/N L/N—The Beauty, the Beast, or the Bitch?

Y/N L/N—Plastic surgery??

Y/N L/N—How she went from ugly to hottie in 3 easy steps!

Spencer frowned as he read each one further, watching as they directly clawed at every part of you or at least slid in backhand remarks to do the same level of damage.

"The headlines are hilarious." Holloway handed Spencer a pile of newspapers. "Y/N L/N—Tales of a 25 year old Wash-Up." He chuckled. "Good stuff."

Spencer continue to scan the headlines. "Isn't this borderline defamation?"

Holloway shrugged. "It sells though. If that girl is on the cover, people will buy it. I guess I have you and Y/N L/N to thank for my income!" The man laughed.

Spencer gulped. "Yeah."

"See you next week?"

"Yeah, see you..." Spencer glanced at the magazine one more time, heading home.

"Why did you want to meet with me, Spencer?" Andy sat down, signaling to a waiter. "Coffee please. Extra creamer."

Spencer cleared his throat. "Well, I uh I wanted to discuss our agreement regarding Miss L/N."

"You made it pretty clear last time, did you not?"

"W-Well, I mean...did you finalize anything?"

"Not on paper, no."

Spencer nodded, awkwardly tapping his feet to the table leg. "I changed my mind."

Andy choked on the coffee in his mouth. "What?"

"It's not for sure! I just—" Spencer exhaled. "I took into account what you said about first impressions and stuff, and I just figured that maybe I could give it a chance. I wouldn't want a false representation of what we do in the media."

His shocked expression morphed into a smile. "Spencer Reid, you have made my week."

Spencer smiled awkwardly. "So uhm you can send her in tomorrow if you want."

Andy stood up, grabbing Spencer's hand and shaking it quickly. "Thank you so much! More than you even realize! Oh my god!"

"Erm yeah," Spencer replied, wiping his hand with a napkin.

"I have to go call Y/N's manager! I'll see you soon, man!"

"Bye—he's gone."

"Remember what we practiced, Y/N." Anissa glared at you.

"Smile more, say less mildly insulting things," you repeated. "I don't know why he wants us to come back."

"Because he's a decent person and a friend of Andy's."

You shrugged. "Or he wants money."

"You just cannot see the good in people, can you?"

"And look how far it's gotten me," you smirked, fixing your hair as you exited the elevator.

"Dr. Reid!" Anissa said happily. "Hi!"

"Miss Suri, nice to see you again."

"Anissa, please."

Spencer glanced at you briefly. "Y/N."

"Miss L/N," you corrected, looking around again. "Where shall we begin?"

Spencer cleared his throat. "Maybe a tour—"

"Let's go." You began walking down a hallway, Spencer quickly following you.

Anissa exhaled, pressing her palm to her forehead. "This isn't going to end well."

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