Showing Them Who's Boss

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Egypt. An ocean of sand that stretched across the North-East of Africa. In that searing sea, structures of a time long past still stand strong and proud. The wind flowed across the desert with grace and delicacy. However, the wind also caught something during its voyage. A card, one which floated and flew for miles across the desert until it came to a rest at a tourist town underneath a table at a cafe. A lovely couple that were there failed to notice this and kept talking until one of them accidentally knocked their cup over, spilling the ice on the floor. From the intense heat of the sun the ice immediately started to melt and the water dripped on to the card. The card then began glowing an oceanic blue until the energy was fully released and morphed into a huge Spinosaurus with a grey underbelly and a purple sail adorned with light blue stripes. The Spinosaurus roared in its new found freedom, alerting the whole town and causing a mass panic. A dinosaur had come alive in Egypt, the impossible happened. Everyone ran as fast as they could away from the scene while the Spinosaurus walked off in a set direction.

Back on Zeta Point, Harry was in the middle of disciplining a naughty Sinraptor with Claire the Centrosaurus by his side.

Harry: "So, what do we do if we see a very important cable attached to a nuclear reactor?"

Shroud the Sinraptor let out a series of squeals that basically meant "we leave it alone" while making a down face. Harry then scratched Shroud under her chin for giving the correct answer.

Harry: "Very good, now come on I think dinner should be ready any minute now."

Shroud walked next to Harry with a chibi Claire close by to make sure she doesn't try anything stupid. It was at that moment that a very fast blur jumped up into Harry's arms almost catching him off balance. That blur turned out to be Maisie, a Muttaburrasaurus with a pink body that was adorned with lighter pink splotches, a yellow and white underbelly, and a bright yellow nose. Harry then preceded to tickle the little dinosaur in his arms which gave off a few cute squeaks and honks. When Harry made it to the dinner table along with the rest of the Alpha Gang he set down his dinosaurs just below him.

Charles the Camarasaurus, Claire the Centrosaurus, Maisie the Muttaburrasaurus, Shroud the Sinraptor, and Tremor the Tarchia were all eating their favourite kibble in their tiny forms, although Tremor moved further away from the group and Shroud was often teasing Terry the T-Rex with her food.

The relative peace was soon broken however
when a burnt Dr Z ran into the dining area screaming about something as usual.


Harry: "Alright! We got it the first time!"

Dr Z: "The dinosaur is in Egypt so Ursula, Zander and Ed need to be there this instant!"

Laura: "Uh grandpa? Is this the dinosaur you're talking about?"

Dr Z turned his attention to the TV that Laura was watching which revealed a Spinosaurus running rampant across the desert of Egypt.

Dr Z: "Yes that must be it! Where are those three nitwits they need to go there right now!"

Harry: "I think they're still recovering from the explosion so I'm not sure it's wise to send-"

Dr Z: "Nonsense they've survived worse, besides who else am I going to send?"

Harry raised his hand like an obedient student waiting for Dr Z to pick him. Dr Z just continued to pace around trying to think of someone to send to Egypt.

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