deadly sins

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 I remember it like it was yesterday,the magician, the one everybody had heard about on the south coast, dark, mysterious and always staring, always watching. He was so popular it was a wonder why no one found out where he lives. Many people have tried but failed. It's weird. He always seems to entertain the kids, not realizing how creepy he really was. My school hired him to come the day of halloween to bring every trick he had and make sure we had a good time. But that wasn't the case on this day 10 years ago. 

Walking into school no care, hanging with my friends in the hall talking waiting for that bell to ring to send us into the day at hand. Classes were pretty boring, not much work to do but what was creepy was the weird look on my science teacher's face when I asked him what he was doing after school that day. A staring glance like he was peering in my soul for 30 seconds straight. No answer. Thinking about the situation going into the next period a voice on the intercom deep, loud Principal Hank, ¨ Can all students report to P.A.C for assembly please report to the p.a.c¨ interrupted my thoughts.

Walking into the p.a.c it was dark only one light on the stage. You would think it would be lighter with all of us trying to walk at the same time so none of us trip and break our necks god forbid. Finally finding a seat next to my friend Rachel and my boyfriend dude i ask them if they know what is going on and dude being on student counsel he told us they hired a magician for halloween. ¨A Magician¨ me and rachel  say at the same time ¨what do they think we are children good lord im 17 years old i don't need to see some little magic tricks that i know are fake¨ rachel  said dumbfounded in absolute rage she went to go talk to the principal about it.

She got back knowing she wasn't getting anywhere trying to preach about us not being children to the adults but the light went out on the stage leaving us in a caliginous state in the room everyone on the edge of their seat the light comes back on only this time there is that creepy magician again only with a box a huge life size box what could he even do with that what was he going to do with that everyone waiting with anticipation the creepy man talks ¨my name is Bates but you can call me the Necromancer¨ That should have been the first sign a warning to get out of there to run but we didn't we stood still and watched as he continued talking.¨today is a special day its halloween one of the spookiest seasons of the year and today i'm going to show you what halloween is all about¨ looking at my friend we laugh wondering what this creepy guy can show us about halloween we don't already know we scare each other for fun.

Bringing the box forward front and center to the stage he opens it and a bat flying out a literal bat flying  out of the freakin box everybody in the crowd in shock by what we didn't think was going to happen we all start laughing. The  man looking around the room meeting one person and one person onlys eyes. Mine. staring deep into those dead eyes he says ¨what is your name”  Älison ¨ my boyfriend exclaims hitting his arm i don't take my eyes off of the weird message written in dark red substance on the box.¨in the box you may come but will you ever leave is a mystery¨ looking for a audience member to help him with his trick dude  jumps up and down making everything so much worse pointing at rachel saying pick her pick her  “ahh you will do” whisking his finger back and forth beckoning her to come on stage.

As she climbs in the box she is smiling no care in the world waving her hand like princess diana and saying goodbye. Not knowing it would be her last one. The man locking her in her head sticking out one end and her feet on the other laughing like it was a joke pretending to be frightened she asks necromancer if it will hurt in which he replied with “you won't feel a thing” laughing maniacally the man steps out from the box grabbing his chain saw from the back room turning it on and with a deadly look in his eyes brings it down on rachel. Sliding really easily through the top it gets caught in between where Rachel's body was and the hardwood pushing it down looking sinister we hear a yell. All of us thought it was rachel playing us but then we saw the struggle the blood the crack of bones on the saw and then rachel going limp me in awe of what i just saw slowly get up out of my seat working my way to the edge of the row slowly making my way down the isle to get a closer look the audience dead silent that you could hear a pin drop. Starting to come out of my daze i speed walk to the stage lurking behind the curtains to see if what i though i saw was real or not. My best friend dead. Dead as hell. Blood pouring out of the box the man no longer laughing just watching. Sees me and i have never felt more of a cold eerie feeling in my life never he gave me times ten heebie jeebies.Suddenly an ear splitting scream coming from the audience and everyone starts scrambling to figure out what they just saw when the necromancer starts towards me with an evilish grin I scream and run telling everyone else to run.behind me about 100 ft  I  a chainsaw being turned on sounding like it's in my arms. As the adrenaline pumps in I turn around and face him head on looking for a teacher a principal some adult none to be found, looks like I have to do it on my own I find a fire extinguisher on the back wall in the corner of my eye. Thinking I can make a run for it I look up and see her rachel lying there blood drying around her mouth turning brown.

My eyes tearing up I ask him why did you do it?why did you take my best friend and not me when you really wanted me huh huh answer me god damnit. I did it for you baby girl she was sleeping with your boyfriend. Silence. … what do you mean you did this for me I don't even know who you are and I already knew why do you think I've been sleeping with her older brother  I'm not an idiot. But the question is is why you would do that I don't know you or who you are.

I try and keep all my tears in and not look weak when he says I can save her I can bring her back don't cry and walks towards me. STOP right there you can't bring someone back to life that's impossible.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2022 ⏰

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