A "Happy" Reunion & First Day

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We see our two people walking through the corridors coming across the entrance to the observation room. Izuku knocked on it hearing a faint "come in". He opened the door only to be greeted by the sight of his ex family and friends.

Inko: Izuku...my baby boy...
She said tearing up walking towards him.

She walked towards him only to be blocked by Grey.

Inko: Who are you?

Grey: Well for starters I'm Grey. And I'm not letting get anywhere near my Izu.

Katsumi and Shokas heart hurt hearing her use the name they gave him.

Inko: Young lady please I want to see my son.

Izuku: What son? I thought you only had a daughter, remember.

Izumi: Onii-chan...

Izuku: You zip it. I'm not your brother because apparently you told me you didn't want me as a brother anymore.

Inko: Izuku that is your sister! Apologize right this instant!

Izuku: I'm sorry mrs. Yagi but I'm not even related to her.

AM: Yes you are! You're Izuku Yagi and you are coming home!

Izuku: That's not my name.

Inko: Yes it is!

Izuku: Look I only came here to see why you wanted me here. But clearly it's just pointless arguing.

Katsuki being the idiot he is decided to provoke him.

Katsuki: Tch, so your still the worthless weak idiot like before?

That set izuku off, Katsuki was then slammed against the wall with a hand around his neck. Only for people to see a line of smoke that is connected to izuku. Which shocked them to see that izuku has a quirk.

Izuku: You want to know whats funny Katsuki?

He started walking towards him.

Izuku: It's that as time went on I thought that throughout those 6 years of hell I thought you'd change. And still to this moment thought that you would change. But clearly...I see I was wrong.
He said as his grip around throat tightened.

The girls tried to pull him back only for their arms to seemingly pass through his body. While they see Katsukis face start to change color.

Izumi: Izuku please stop! This isn't even like you!

Izuku: You think you know me? You think after all the hell you put me through, YOU ALL OF THE SUDDEN THINK YOU KNOW ME!?
He yelled glaring daggers at them.

As he yelled at them they flinched because this was the first time they have heard Izuku yell. Especially at them. He was going to yell at them more until he felt a hand on his shoulder only to see it was Grey.

Grey: Izuku, please calm down. You can teach them a lesson later when we're in UA.

Izuku looked at Katsuki and then the rest of the group of idiots. Then dropped Katsuki on the ground. He began gasping for air and coughing.

Izuku: Tch, fine you got lucky. And it's good to see you again uncle Aizawa and uncle Enji.

Aizawa: It's good to see you as well Izuku.

Endeavor nodded in response with a smile.

Izuku: Anything else you want to talk about?

Izumi: Yes! How do you have a quirk? Why did you hide it from it us?

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