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• Nick •

Nick had been all smiles since Saturday night. Suddenly, nothing got on his nerves and he he just went with the flow. Chris and Matt noticed the second that he got home from the party, and would not stop pestering him about it.

"I'm just saying Nick, I poured my milk first in my cereal this morning and you didn't say a word." Matt sat on the couch in their living room, his legs propped up on the coffee table. "You do realize that every other time I've done that you have lost your shit, right?"

"It just didn't bother me today." Nick was barely in the conversation, his mind more focused on his phone, where he had been texting Cass and Sidney.

"Nick, you have been over the moon about something for days, and you haven't gotten off of your phone. Either you met someone or you're on drugs." Nick scoffed. "Dude, the last time you were like this was when that guy at school gave you his number, it's obvious."

"Fine, I met someone. So what? It's not a big deal."

Now it was Chris' turn to scoff. "It's a big deal if you're ignoring us for him. Who is he? When are you going to see him again?"

"God, what's with all the questions? His name is Sidney and we're hanging out Wednesday. We're going to the observatory."

"Sounds romantic. You sure it's not a big deal?" Matt nudged him, trying to get a rise out of him.

"His cousin is coming too, so it's really not a big deal."

Chris stood up quickly and his jaw dropped. "Nick, you got a fucking chaperone for your date? You're kidding, right?"

"Shut up, it's not a date. And she's not chaperoning, I met him through her."

Neither of his brothers seemed convinced, giving each other side eye glances and rolling their eyes as Nick continued talking. No matter how much Nick tried to deny it, it was obvious to basically everyone around him that there was more than he wasn't letting on.


Nick cursed under his breath when his phone buzzed for the fourth time in the past two minutes. He had left it across the room on accident, and he hadn't felt like going to get it yet. Each buzz only made him want to wait longer.

"Just shut up already!" He exclaimed, climbing out of bed. He continued muttering under his breath as he walked the short distance to his desk.

Cassandra: yo are u and sid driving to the observatory together
Cassandra: nick
Cassandra: nicolas
Cassandra: nicolas antonio sturniolo this is important

He sighed, his thumbs hovering over the keyboard as he debated what to reply.

Nick: we haven't talked about it
Nick: but i can't drive so i hope so

He hesitated a moment longer before he sent another text. Unrelated to the conversation at hand, but something that had bouncing around in his head since the first time he met the boy.

Nick: don't tell me if it's like a secret or something, but is he like...
Nick: ya know...
Nick: 👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨 ???

He watched as the message went from delivered to read, then as a text bubble appeared on Cass' end. It disappeared a few times before he eventually got a text back.

Cassandra: idk we've never had a full conversation about it

Nick: u do get the not straight vibe tho right?
Nick: like i'm not reading into something that's not there

He panicked as soon as he sent the text, throwing his phone onto his bed and walking over to his  desk again. That was not what he had meant to say. Looking back, he didn't really know what he had meant to say. He'd never planned on telling Cass about this, at least not for a while, and now he had gone and outed his growing feelings on her cousin out of no where.

He heard his phone buzz again and again as he paced the room. He wanted to know what she was saying, but he couldn't bring himself to look. Would she be mad at him? She probably wasn't expecting to wingwoman her friend and her cousin, but would she?

Cassandra: wait-
Cassandra: do u like sid????
Cassandra: gonna be honest i thought i saw something but i did not expect this so soon
Cassandra: i'm totally having him drive you on wednesday

Nick: i don't think i've ever been more embarrassed
Nick: we should keep this as our little secret
Nick: better yet, just forget i said anything and let's move on

He turned off his phone once again, leaving it in his room as he went to go find his brothers. How had he screwed that up so bad? She didn't even say anything about it and he had outed himself. Well, maybe not outed himself. Everyone already knew he was gay. But he had let it slip that he liked Sidney as more than a friend, though he would not classify it as a crush.

"Matt?" He knocked on his brothers door, earning a muffled response that he couldn't make out from the other side. He opened the door, closing it quietly behind him. "What do you do when you accidentally confess your feelings for someone to their cousin?"

Matt looked up from his computer screen, a surprised look on his face. "Excuse me? Nick, what the fuck do you mean?"

"I mean that I accidentally told Sidney's cousin that I kinda like him... Exactly what I just said." He scoffed, rolling his eyes. He had given him the entire story in one sentence and he somehow didn't get it.

"Oh my bad. Sorry for being confused about how the fuck you did that." Matt was stone faced staring at his brother across the room.

Before Nick could find a way to answer, Chris walked in, immediately recognizing that something had happened. "Yo, uhh, what's going on in here?"

"Nick just totally screwed up, that's what's going on." Matt turned away, going back to whatever it was he was going on the computer. Chris' gaze went between his brothers for a moment, waiting for one of them to elaborate.

"I may have accidentally let it slip that I like Sidney a little more than just a friend." Chris shrugged, not understanding the big deal. Nick sighed before he continued. "I let it slip to his cousin."

"Nick, are you stupid?"

{note: lol nicks exposing himself :P
gonna make cass the best wing woman
she can be dw guys, but it wouldn't be a
book if i made them get together after
8 chapters. we gotta have some drama
ya know. anyway, hope ur enjoying
the story so far, ik i am. thanks for reading
luvs, ur the best. mwah <3}

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