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Hi everyone! I've gotten a few people in my private messages who've been very nice and expressed a confusion with how to get started on their writing projects, and since writing is my passion I want to share what I feel I've learned and what works for me when I'm writing. If you're interested in an in-depth guide to how I write one of my books, here it is! I'll try to be as helpful as I can and not geek out too much, and you'll also get to see unfinished pieces of work that I've either scrapped, saving for later, or getting ready to post. Look forward to that too I guess haha.

I hope you enjoy and that this helps you! I'll respond to any comments I see on here and feel free to message me privately for more specific questions or advice you need. Love you all <3

With that, here's the guide to how yventualip writes books

Writing Guide // yventualip जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें