Chapter 16: Accepting or Pretending?

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Chapter 16: Accepting or Pretending?

"What the hell, Liam?!" Jade says to herself in frustration as she runs into Harry's house and sees Niall on the ground with blood on the back of his head. "Oh my god. Niall! Please be okay."

She only gets a groan in response from the blond, but that's good enough for her. She kisses Niall's cheek and carefully helps him to his feet. He stumbles a bit as they walk out the door, but they manage to reach her car and she quickly buckles him into the passenger seat.

"You're gonna be okay, Niall."

"Li- Liam... He h- has Harry," the Irish lad mumbles, blinking his eyes slowly.

"Yeah, okay. But let's get you to the hospital first, yeah? You should get your head checked."

"Why?" he asks, then slowly reaches for the back of his head. He touches it gently, hissing when he feels a sharp pain and some sticky liquid on his fingers. When he looks at his hand, his eyes widen in shock from the sight of blood. "What – what happened to me?"

Jade is already driving to the hospital, hoping to get there before Niall passes out, or worse – bleeds out. She shudders at the thought and steps on the gas; getting a ticket for speeding is the least of her worries right now. Getting Niall to the hospital is much more important. And she may be trying to avoid answering his question, focusing on driving and getting them there in one piece, but quickly.

"Jade, what happened?"

"I – um... I'm not exactly sure, but I have an idea," she mutters in reply.

"Then tell me," Niall prompts, looking at her.

"Well, from what I saw back at Harry's house, it may have involved you getting hit on the back of your head with a vase."

"... Really? By whom?"

"That's – that's the complicated part. But it's not that important right now. You really have to be at the hospital now. Can we talk about this later? Please?"

He continues staring at the side of her face, then lets out a sigh. "Fine. But later, okay?"

Even though she doesn't answer, Jade knows she can't get out of this. She has to let Niall know that Liam was actually the one that hit him with a vase. And that Liam has Harry in his house, but that can wait. Niall. Hospital. That's what important right now.


"What do you mean Liam answered his phone?!" Louis demands.

"Calm down, Lou," El tries, petting his arm.

"I can't just 'calm down', El! Niall just got hurt by Liam, because we sent him to Harry's house. Who knows how badly hurt he is? And how the hell is he gonna get to the hospital?"

"Liam said – "

"Oh, who cares what Liam said! We all know we can't trust a f***ing word he says! He's a maniac, Zayn!"

The black-haired lad sighs, then looks at Louis sternly. "Well, even though we don't trust him, he said Niall was gonna get to the hospital as soon as possible. Whether or not he's telling the truth, we won't know unless we actually see Niall in here somewhere."

"So, what? Now we're just supposed to trust that Niall will get here somehow?"

"We have to, Louis. We don't have a choice. We can't just leave this place and go check on him."

"Yeah, yeah. 'Cause we still have to heal. But what if Niall is bleeding out or something? He could die if we don't check on him. Zayn, we have to get someone to check on Niall."

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