Chapter 2

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I'm sat in the office, still sorting through books, mail, and papers that look important that I probably shouldn't throw out. The End by Mayday Parade is just about to end, and I hate it. It's one of my favorite songs, so of course I'm singing it as loudly as I could when someone spun the chair around, scaring me. "You're going to scare the neighbors if you keep singing." Jenn could be mean sometimes but that's why I love her. "Sorry." I mumbled and turned around, cleaning quietly. "I made you guys some snacks. There's chips and sodas." 

"Chips? You mean crisps?" Jenn raised an eyebrow at me, reminding me I was in England and the words were different.

"Oh, yeah. Right." I felt my face turn red, so I turned around cleaning, again. 

Finn's POV

*Ten minutes after*

We've gone back up to Jenn's room to record the video, and we kept hearing Kat downstairs, rolling around. I don't blame her. That chair looks really comfortable. I wouldn't want to get out of it either. 

"Ugh. Finn. Go make her stop rolling. I have a headache. I think I'm done recording for today. Let's go out." Jenn could be bossy sometimes, but we loved her anyway. 

Slowly making my way downstairs I heard Never Alone by Jessee Bonanno on the radio. I guess Kat was listening to Pandora. I walked up behind her quietly and watched her for a second. Hard at work. Just like her cousin said she would be. "Want to dance?" I whispered, making her jump. 

"W-what? No. I can't. Cleaning. You know how that is." She was still talking, but I wasn't paying attention. Her blue eyes were captivating. 

"Please?" I interrupted her, holding out my hand. 

She looked up at me like I was crazy and laughed quietly. "Fine. But I don't claim to be good at dancing." 

I smiled at her and started dancing slowly, holding her close.

Kat's POV

Why does he want to dance with me? I'm not even good at it. I have work to do. I really need to get back to that. 

I really couldn't pay attention to Finn right now. I wanted my aunt Rebbecca to like me and let me stay. I couldn't waste time with boys. 

The song ended and I backed away from Finn. "Well, that was nice. I have things to do now, so I'm just going to get on that. You should probably get back to Jenn." I quickly ran back and organized more before moving to he laundry. There were three loads to do, and I hated this chore. It wasn't even my chore, so I didn't know why I was doing it. 

I could hear Finn go back upstairs slowly. Damn that boy needed to hurry up. When he finally got up, I started singing but quieter than before. Emotions by Mariah Carey came on. I started singing loudly, dancing around the house. 

"Hey, Mariah, we're going out. Mom will be home tomorrow at five, so you've got a while to do these chores. Want to come?" It was probably an empty offer. Girls don't just offer for their cousins to come hang out with them and cute guys. "Uhm.. no. I'll stay in tonight." 

"Okay, I'll be home late. Don't wait up!"

She ran out the door with her friends and I was alone. I hated being alone. It left me with my thoughts of my parents, and I didn't like that.

*Two hours later*

Knock knock knock

"I'm coming!" I was in my pajamas, watching The Perks of Being a Wallflower. I ran across the house, jumping over things, hoping to get the the door quickly.

"Oh.. hey." Finn? Why was he back? "Where's Jenn?" I looked around outside for my cousin, but she was nowhere to be found. And no car? Weird..

"Oh, she went back to Sam's. I guess they're going to be together tonight. Jack went home with some girl, so I decided to come visit the foreign kid. 

"Oh gee. Thanks." I rolled my eyes sarcastically and let him in.


I hope this is better. Thank you for reading. Please leave comments to tell me how to improve :)

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