Chapter One

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"Ve~ It's really here!" Italy cheered.

Japan stopped to stare up at the mansion. It was ancient, towering above them with rusty windowsills and creeping moss up the sides. At the top of the first tower that jutted from the roof, was a metal cross glinted in the sunlight streaming from the patchwork of clouds that hung low overhead.

Japan nervously shifted his weight over to the other foot.

"I thought it was just a rumor," he said. "I never thought we would actually find it."

Earlier that day, America had been badgering the others at the World Conference about the mansion. He had heard rumors that it was haunted, and, being America, thought it would be "super awesome" to go check it out. Japan, Germany, Prussia, and Italy had arrived first to the site, after a long and strenuous trek through the wilderness that resembled one of Germany's training exercises.

"It has such a desolate feel," observed Prussia. "Not bad."

Germany sneered, "I don't think it's very interesting."

"Me neither," agreed Japan, "Can't we just look at it from the outside and then go back?"

"Awww~" sighed Italy, slumping his shoulders. "After all that trouble we went through to find it? C'mon, let's just go in for a little while!"

Germany clenched his fists at his sides, palms sweating. He looked at Italy, who tilted his head and pouted. Prussia snickered.

"Ah, scared West?" he taunted.

"Zhat's ridiculous." he scoffed, turning to face his friends, "Let's go."

The small group advanced towards the mansion, creeping up its creaking steps. The porch they stood on was made of splintered wood, cracking in a few places, and threatening to snap underfoot with every step. Cobwebs lined each corner of the porch's roof, and spiders burrowed inside a rusted out mail slot.

"Its practically falling apart." Japan said.

"Is this even safe?" Germany asked, shooting a longing gaze over his shoulder to the woods.

Japan shrugged and walked up to the large wooden doors. Two brass knockers hung on the doors. As he bent down to get a closer look, Japan could see that the part that connected the knocked to the door was in the shape of a large head with an extremely distorted forehead and blank eyes.

Secretly, Japan began to feel just as unnerved as Germany. Even Prussia, as arrogant as he was, began to feel a bit on edge. Only Italy seemed to be unfazed by the mansion's menacing appearence.

"What are you waiting for, Japan?" He asked, eyes closed in a goofy smile. "Ve~ open the door!"

Japan nodded. "Hai. Of course."

And with that, the doors creaked open, the adventurous trespassers unaware of what panic was yet to come.

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