Chapter 76

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Trigger Warning - mentions of rape, abuse

Victor's POV

The knocking on my door was so faint I almost didn't hear it. When I shuffled to the door and opened it, I was surprised to see my jewel in full Fae form standing there naked. "Can I sleep here tonight," she asked, "um, Sean and Owen needed some alone time." Her cheeks tinged a lovely pink shade as she spoke.

"Of course, Jewel," I said, opening the door wider, "you are always welcome here." She slipped inside and stood, as if uncertain what to do next. I took her hand and led her towards the bed, sitting down and pulling her with me. She looked around the room as if taking in every detail. "Is everything okay? Do you need a drink or want to talk?"

She shook her head, "No, it's just, I've never been in your room before. I guess it isn't what I expected. Do you still play?" she nodded towards the piano.

I let out a sigh. I honestly don't know why I've kept it all these years. "I used to. I was sort of famous when I was younger, a prodigy they said, but my parents were greedy people who used my talent for their personal gain." I stared at the damned thing until I felt her hand over my clenched hand and met her gaze.

"I'm sorry, mo dhragún, I didn't mean to upset you. I'd seen some memories in the bond, but not many surrounding the piano," she whispered, never moving her hand. "We can set it on fire," she giggled.

My eyes bulged then I threw my head back in a roaring laugh. Anyone else would have asked more questions or even begged me to play, but not my Jewel. She offered to burn it all down! I grabbed her face and kissed her, then pulled back, "I fucking love you!" She laughed with me as she pulled in her wings and we climbed under the covers. "Oh, I may actually take you up on that offer. It might be cathartic." She laid against my chest and I listened as her breathing evened out before letting myself fall asleep.

It felt warm, too warm. I opened my eyes and all I could see was darkness. I reached for Eveleen but realized she wasn't there. I wasn't even in my room any longer. "Eveleen!" I screamed but got no response. I began to walk, but couldn't even tell if I was actually moving. It was as if I was in a black hole. Fuck, had Erebus gotten to her, to us? Where the hell am I?

"You are in the Void," a deep voice said as if answering my unspoken questions.

"What and where the hell is the Void?" I demanded, "And where is Eveleen?"

"The Void is the Father of the Titans." A towering figure that looked to be made of flames with large horns and black eyes stepped from the darkness. "I have brought you to me, Victor. I am Typhon and we have much to discuss."

"Where is Eveleen? Is she safe?" I persisted, not ready to discuss anything if he wouldn't answer this question.

He waved a hand and showed her still on the bed, laying in my arms. "You are both still there. I have simply brought your consciousness here. Gaia watches over her to keep Erebus at bay while you are here." He reduced his form until his height was similar to my own. "Come, we need to discuss what my uncle has done to her."

I nodded and followed him. The flames from his body seemed to pierce the nothingness and create a path. We entered an area that made me think of a hellscape from a video game. The sky had a burnished red tone, and the ground was covered in lifeless ground consisting of rocks, sand, and possibly dirt. Typhon sat on a large boulder and motioned to one across from him. I leaned against it tentatively, feeling completely out of my element here. I know he had claimed me, but I was still wary of him.

"Your caution is well-founded, Victor. I am not a kind God." He swung his arm wide, "This is where I was created. I am the child of Gaia and Tartarus. My sole purpose is destruction and I generally revel in it. I find beauty in what most find obscene." He showed the image of Jewel and me in bed again. "Erebus seeks to warp what she is. Usually, I would stay out of the matter, but his plans will create an imbalance as we've never seen before. His own wife objects to his plans as you already know."

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