Chapter 7

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I cannot believe the last time I updated this was JANUARY!!! You guys are so patient...more than I ever would be.

I'll try to update this more often than I can. Honestly, I update this when I have some writer's block on The Hidden Alpha.

Enjoy the chapter!




Serenity could not stay in this cabin forever. Once she made sure Damien was fine, she would be on her way. Despite the small voice in her head, in her heart, into the pull of the mate bond calling to him.

The mate bond was strongest amongst vampires and werewolves. Witches felt it differently with their magic. For her, it was like a pulse beating between them. Even if she was in the other room feeding Lance, she could feel him in the other room with Iggy.

"Food is ready!" Iggy called to her. Serenity placed Lance safely on the bed as he slept soundly. She took a moment to skim her pinky on her son's cute little nose. Letting herself feel the love she had for him, the protectiveness of making sure he was safe and sound. Lance was her entire heart. It broke long ago by life, by Xavier, but her son pieced it together so quickly. Giving her hope, a purpose.

Her heart constricted at the way Damien treated Lance with such a gentleness. Contrast to those battle scares she couldn't help but notice while she healed him. His whole body was scarred, but it wasn't ugly. Not like Xavier's were.

Making sure Lance was comfortable one last time, Serenity stepped outside the room, seeking the small wooden dinner table that Damien and Iggy were sitting at. It looked like they were still waiting for her, and there was a plate ready too.

"What is this?" Serenity asked, coming closer to the table. Before Damien could get up and get the chair of her, she quickly sat. In the plate was a bunch of...random food items.

"Whatever I found in this cabin," Iggy proclaimed. "Let's call it the maybe expired dinner plate."

Serenity didn't mind eating expired food. For her survival, she'd had worse. "At least we have a meal," she said lowly. Bringing herself to the attention of two royals who were very much used to always fine dining.

"Right - food is food," Iggy said quickly, glancing at Damien. Damien was quiet, and he picked at his plate. Canned carrots alongside jam that Iggy tried to make into something fancy.

"Don't tell're picky," Serenity said as she took a bite of the beans that tasted very fermented and sour. Definitely expired. She crinkled her nose at the taste, but it seemed as though she was turning her nose up at Damien's demeanor.

Iggy bit his lip from laughing. Serenity took another bite, trying not to watch Damien sum up the courage to eat it. It was wholly amusing watching as the king try to eat expired food.

"He is picky," Iggy couldn't help but blurt. "Probably the most annoying being on the planet when it comes to eating food. That's why he bought his favorite restaurant because he never likes anything. This is too funny. I wish Reggie were here to witness this."

Damien raised his knife at Iggy. "I don't want to hear it from you."

"Royal pain in my-" Iggy got cut short when there was a loud gun shot. Serenity tensed just as Iggy and Damien got up. "Probably hunters in the area. Saw a couple of deer on my way here."

"It sounded far," Damien commented, handing Iggy something that looked like a dagger. Serenity pushed her plate forward and followed them towards the entrance. "Make sure to lead them away from here."

Finding our Serenity (Stryders # 0.5) HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now