Chapter 4

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Updating The Hidden Alpha made this pushed to the side. (APOLOGIES). 

Hope people are still interested in Serenity and Damien. Thanks for those who support!

Serenity and Damien content is still coming in The Hidden Alpha too (much later of course). Freya loves her grandma.




These vampires wanted to kill Damien.

Serenity found herself believing it. What did he do to make them want to kill him? Clearly, they were the ones to wound him.

Not giving it a second thought, she placed Lance in the safety of Damien's arms before she dealt with these vampires. She saw the gentle way Damien held Lance's finger before. Surely, she could trust him to hold her son while she made these vampires go away.

Before one of them took a step forward, Serenity didn't even think about. She wielded the curse of her eyes. One by one, all the vampires turned to stone. Disintegrating. They didn't know what was happening. Just a look at her, and they were done for. All of them.

Easy, she thought. Serenity let out a shaky breath. She didn't even break a sweat. But her heart was beating a mile per minute. Closing her eyes for a moment to reeling herself back in. 

She slowly turned to Damien. Feeling insecure suddenly.

Who could only stare at her.

"Well," Damien drawled out. Looking as though he needed to find words. "How..." he trailed off, still a little speechless.

She heard from the elders, only once, saying it wouldn't work on her own kin or mate, this curse. Everyone always looked at her like she was a monster. An outcast of her coven. That's why they were so eager to get rid of her.

Damien wasn't looking at her in horror like most usually always do. Only wonderment. As he held onto Lance.

She gasped, realizing. The ever present bundle of joy wasn't in her arms. What was she thinking?! "Lance!"

"Shh," Damien said. Putting his two fingers on his lips. "Lancey is sleeping."

Lancey? "Why are you giving a nickname to my son?" Serenity narrowed her eyes.

Damien shrugged. "I like him. He's cute."


Xavier had never even mentioned that about Lance. Only that Lance would one day become a powerful Alpha with her powers.

"He looks like me," Serenity said, belatedly. Wondering why she even said that. She wasn't fishing for a compliment.

"Exactly." Damien tried getting up with great difficulty, his face twisting in pain, but he still held Lance gently. "Give me the carrier."

Serenity was surprised. "What? No." She held out her hands. "Give me my son back."

"Too late," Damien stepped dangerously close to her. His eyes were such a strange gray it had to be abnormal. "He's my son too now."

"You can't just kidnap babies." Even to her, the argument seemed weak. Lance was sound asleep in Damien's arms. True to his own mother, Lance never liked when anyone picked him up. Nor would he ever sleep in anyone's arms. Those maids that Xavier sent could not ever get Lance to sleep. Only she could.

Finding our Serenity (Stryders # 0.5) HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now