006. {a warning from billy}

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─── ∙ ~εïз~ ∙ ───

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─── ∙ ~εïз~ ∙ ───

"let's go, down here!"

"we're coming!"

"where's dart?" mike ordered as they all entered the bathroom.

"i don't know, not here." dustin stated, as he had arrived before the rest of them.

"what?" mike asked before he inspected every stall.

"he said by salerno's right?" max raised her eyebrows.

"yeah, maybe will has him." dustin shrugged.

"i seriously doubt that." felicity opposed.

"where is will?" mike asked immediately after.

he glanced over at felicity before pushing his way out of the door. the girl looked confused before she and the rest followed behind him, and began to search around the school for the young boy.

"where could he be?" max asked.

the two were conveniently holding hands, jogging around the school and seeking for the byers boy.

"i don't know." felicity sighed, "i spoke to him earlier."

"you did?" max quizzed. "when?"

"before i saw you and mike in the gym." felicity admitted, "he told me about how he's been lately. it's quite... concerning."

"even more reason to find him."

when they took a turn, they nearly bumped right into dustin. the boy flinched back, not wanting to knock into them again.

"any luck?" felicity questioned.

"no." dustin shook his head.

"he couldn't have gotten far."

"will!" dustin yelled as he, felicity and max roamed the corridors.

"dustin?" joyce byere said, jogging over to the three.

"ms byers?"

"what's going on? where's will?" joyce asked.

abruptly, lucas burst through the door, clearly in a hurry. "the field." he informed before running back out.

max and felicity shared a look before they all ran after lucas and to the field where the found mike and will.

"will?!" joyce yelled as she approached her son.

"i just found him like this." mike admitted, "i think he's having another episode."

"will? sweetie wake up." joyce shook will.

it really pained felicity to see a mother begging her son to wake up from whatever trance he was in, especially as it was will. after awhile, she reached forward and placed her hand on will's arm, trying to help.

1980s HORROR FILM; steve harringtonWhere stories live. Discover now