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6 May

Her day

A dozen yellow roses stood in the fine detailed vase. Dead grass and weeds scattered all around the white marble stone.

 Alexandria Lucille Patricks

6 May 1981 – 25 April 2011

          Always loved


It still doesn’t seem real. She was so young and so easily taken away from me. We were supposed to go to Paris this year for our anniversary, she always dreamed about going to Paris ever since she saw the shows of Paris.

I guess that will never happen now, we stood there Reneé and I. Reneé is our one year old. Lucy died giving birth to her but when she left I gained a new angel.

Since that day we moved upstate away from her home town in Colorado to South Dakota, we only visit on our anniversary and her birthday. This place brings back so many memories for me.

But sometimes you just have to let go in order to move on. Every one you love is still in your heart and they’re always with you no matter what.

A tear slipped from my eyes as I gaze one final time at the stone. I feel a slight touch on my cheek, one that if you didn’t pay attention you might think it never happened.

“Lucy?” I ask to no one.

I look down at my feet and there on the top of my shoe is a single yellow rose.

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