III. A Bar Quarrell

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III - A Bar Quarrell

"You didn't tell me the world was ending."


{ TW : Physical Abuse }

Lysa followed Five around town, not knowing where he was leading her, but she didn't care. Although, she started caring when he seemed to enter a very busy bar club, which was noisy even from a few meters away. 'Carousel Burlesque' could be read on the entrance.

"Five, where are we going ?" she whispered to him before he entered the club.

"Find our relative." he simply answered, and Lysa realised how much she didn't miss this mysterious part of him.

"We can't go inside, we're not of age," she told him, but Five ignored her, and simply took her hand to take her further into the club. Lysa looked down at their intertwined hands, deeply wanting to let go, but also wanting to squeeze it for some comfort.

As her mind was deciding on which one to do, they were stopped by a young woman, barely dressed, slightly confused and amused to see two teens enter the club. The music and cheers of the people inside filled Lysa's head instantly, and she grimaced at the small headache forming in.

"Hello, you two." she greeted, a polite smile on her face. Five stopped in front of her, annoyance already sinking in. "You can't enter, unfortunately. You need to be eighteen."

She whispered the last part in Lysa's ear, as she supposedly looked the oldest of the two, but not old enough to be eighteen. It sent shivers down the girl's spine, and she didn't answer as she just stared at the woman in front of her.

"Excuse me, Ma'am ?" Five asked, not letting go of his sister's hand, and smiling weirdly at the woman. She turned to him, her polite smile still plastered on her face. "When are you getting off work ?"

The question made the woman chuckle slightly, she was probably used to this kind of question, and Lysa looked at her brother in confusion.

Before even hearing the answer, Five squeezed Lysa's hand harder and took her further into the club, where a girl, just as dressed as the first one, if not less, was dancing on the scene. Men were surrounding the stage, sitting in chairs and sofas as they watched ambitiously the woman dancing in front of them.

Lysa looked at Five when he sat down on a chair in the first row, and he looked up at her.

"C'mon, sit. It should not take long," he told her taking a chair and putting it next to his.

"Did you make me come here to find Luther or to enjoy yourself ?" she asked, sitting down, but doing everything to not look at the woman on the stage.

"You'll see soon enough," he answered, and she rolled her eyes as she sank in her chair, her eyes landing finally on the woman dancing. She was pretty, but Lysa turned away before she could register her face very well. When she turned, she was met by a face right in front of hers, who was looking at Five.

"She's too young for you," Luther told Five, and he smirked.

"Nice to see you too, Luther."

"What do you want ?" Luther asked, not happy to see his brother.

"For you to stop hovering like an ambitious stripper and sit down with us." Five told him, looking at his brother with a smug smile. Luther sighed, before turning to Lysa.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2022 ⏰

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