A price to pay

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The sirens were loud and fire consumed the street a van was totaled and screams could be heard from afar. Hiro woke up from a cold sweat he was panting as he gripped his blanket as he looked at the ceiling in the pitch black room. Hiro sat up in his bed as he gather his bearings. He looked around the room sighing in relief knowing it was a dream. Hiro's eyes scanned around the room and realized he was in his room with the morning light piercing through the curtains. Hiro got up form his bed and remembered he wasn't the only one who was in his room. Hiro looked to his left seeing a naked blond cuddling Hiro's brother. The blond smiled at Hiro making him blush as he could see her chest. Hiro quickly left the room as quiet as possible not wanting to stare. Hiro made him self some breakfast and quietly ate in fear of his older brother. Soon later the blond came out of the room in a bath robe, she made her way too Hiro knowing that she could easily get him into trouble. Hiro flinched at her touch as she smirked at him showing her boobs to him. Hiro dropped his spoon from getting distracted by Honey Lemon showing off her naughty bits, Hiro realize Honey's plan so he resisted trying not to fall for such a easy trick. Suddenly a familiar voice appeared from behind the blond startled her making her quickly cover herself with the robe trying to act normal.

Tadashi: hey honeycomb this is where you buzzed off too huh? Did pipsqueak wake you?

Honey Lemon: No I just got up.

Tadashi: alrighty then. Hey parent killer get the fuck out of my sight and get ready for school or else I I'll make you late again.

Tadashi: So my Honeycomb what did you want to talk about before we got naughty late night.

Honey Lemon: Oh I was thinking that we should go out for tonight you know the place.

Tadashi: oh you dirty bee you.

Hiro quickly ran to the room and got ready, it took him a few minutes and was almost left behind. Hiro had a process he did every day so he was amateur at hiding his pain, Hiro walked downstairs to the busy café. Hiro had to fake a smile for what was coming next. Soon a middle aged woman walked to him knowing who it was. Hiro quickly put on a fake smile and covered his bruises with his hoodie.

Hiro: hey aunty.

Cass: hey sweetie ready for school?

Hiro: yeah.

Cass: well I hope you have a great day.

Hiro: thanks aunty,

Hiro made his way outside waiting for his brother who was about to pull out of the drive way but was able to get in the car. Hiro was quiet on the ride while he listen to Honey lemon singing "I want it that way" in the car Hiro thought about running away but it would break his aunt Cass heart Hiro had given up on the idea when Tadashi spoke too him telling him that he would never amount to nothing. Hiro sat quietly trying not to exist around Tadashi for his safety. After a few minutes they made it to SFIT university. Hiro quietly got out of the car and before he could get inside Tadashi grabbed him.

Tadashi: where do you think your going huh parent killer?

Hiro: T-Tadashi no its too early and school is just starting!

Hiro was scared of Tadashi who had him in a corner next to the dumpster. Tadashi grabbed Hiro by the hair and pulled him to the back of the dumpster and beat him up Tadashi slung off his belt and whipped Hiro repeatedly making Hiro bleed from his arms and back Hiro's Hoodie was in shambles. Hiro tried to fight back but age out weighed the fight after a few minutes Tadashi was finished and walked away with Honey Lemon was being pussy grabbed by Tadashi through the Back door. Hiro was battered and was drenched with blood Hiro's skin was so pale he looked like a vampire. Hiro tried to get to the nurses office even though it was across campus Hiro then decided to walk to a random Class so he could ask for help. when he made it too a random Class everyone screamed at the sight of Hiro. the Professor though it was a prank until Hiro couldn't take in anymore and collapsed with a small pool of blood coming form his body. Hiro thought he was going to die and accepted it with open arms. The thought of seeing his parents filled his head until his vision went blank. Its been a day And Hiro woke up in the hospital on Life support. the nurse soon saw that Hiro was awake and ran to get the Doctor. Hiro was then met face to face with a doctor who was checking his temperature and stiches. Soon later Cass barged in to the room worried. she was called to the university and was shone surveillants camera footage of Tadashi whipping Hiro while Honey lemon was filing her Nails in the back round. Cass was flabbergasted and was stunned at what she saw. Cass started too cry as the video progressed. The University told her what Hospital Hiro was at and when she got there she was told that Hiro was in surgery. Cass was pacing back and fourth waiting to see Hiro. After hours of waiting a nurse walked to Cass telling her the doctor wants to speak with her. After a brief discussion with the doctor telling her that Hiro was lucky to be alive still due to the amount of blood he lost and he needed stiches on his arms and back. Cass then entered the room that Hiro was in. Cass's face went pale as a knot welled up in her throat the sight of Hiro was saddening making her collapseon her knees.

Hiro: H-hey C-Cass...

Cass: oh Hiro I'm-I'm so sorry Hiro if only I had known.

Hiro: don't blame y-your s-self...

Cass was crying next to Hiro holding his hand wanting too be there for him until a different individual came in the room.

???: Hello miss Hamada I take it that you must know who we are?

Cass: umm no?

???: We are from child protective services, CPS for short my name is Shin. Do you know why I'm here?

Cass: is it because of Tadashi?

Shin: sort of. We're here for Hiro. We understand that you are Hiro's legal guardian?

Cass: yes that's right, why are you here for Hiro and not for Tadashi.

Shin: unfortunately Tadashi is legally an adult. So we have to understand the situation between the two.

Cass: what situation? what are you talking about?

Shin: apparently Hiro here has been through abuse from his brother is that correct?

Cass: Y-yeah but you can't split them up we're family.

Hiro: c-can I say something?

Cass: what is it sweetie?

Hiro: I won't be in any trouble right? And that I-I'm safe?

Cass: of course your safe why'd don't you think you're safe?

Hiro: Tadashi beats me... every day and hour...a day.

Cass: why'd didn't you say something too me?

Hiro: cause if I did say something about it he would just beat me up even more..

Shin: I'm afraid that we'll need to remove Hiro from your house hold...permanently.

Cass: no-no no no no no! you can Hiro is my nephew and Tadashi is about to move out can't we come to an agreement?

Shin: look you seem like a reasonable woman but the fact is that Hiro's older brother as been taking pleasure attacking Hiro. We have another talking with him now. So as much as I hate tearing up a family you must think about Hiro's health and development. Look at his's arms I bet the bruises don't stop their either. Look we'll treat Hiro's medical bills as long as you sign this form stating that you will relinquish all custody of Hiro to us. I promise that I'll find him a good home for him. Also you can still visit him on the weekends and let him go to the same collage. We will just have to make sure he doesn't see Tadashi anymore at least until Hiro is a full grown adult.

Cass: Hiro...be honest with me are you feeling like you aren't safe?

Hiro: Aunt Cass I-i can't live with you anymore....I don't feel safe with Tadashi around me. He calls me a parent killer. I love you so much but I can't live with him anymore. I'm tired... I'm tired of him having his way over my life.

Cass: oh Hiro, you know that I love you so much and that I'll always be proud of you...

Cass leaned in and gave a kiss on Hiro's four head and signed the papers. After a week at the hospital Hiro was finally released from the hospital.

Hiro was then driven to the café to pack up his things. Hiro packed all his clothes and the laptop Cass got him for Christmas that Tadashi took away for himself. After a hours of gathering his stuff. Hiro was then taken away from the cafe. Hiro was now staying at a adoption house. As the days gone by Hiro kept to himself in his own room he had a bed and a desk with a dresser. The first night Hiro had a nightmare about Tadashi finding him. Hiro would usually wake up screaming or in a cold sweat. Hiro genuinely felt alone as the night was long and dark. Hiro then cried himself to sleep. As the daily life continued for Hiro he would usually look forward to seeing Aunt Cass but hates it when she would bring Tadashi along with her. school became online for Hiro so he couldn't leave the adoption house due to it being too far away. Hiro only had small memories of the time he grew up with his family that he considers normal but after transferring to a few homes that took him in, it all turned in to a horrific tragedy. The stress and anxiety got worse and worse that he was scared to sleep. Hiro would be taken to the hospital every once in awhile but always told the same thing "insomnia" or "depression" Hiro was sleep depraved and fidgety and not only that he was starving. As the day went by one of the care taker's of the Home told Hiro that a couple would like too see him. Hiro then broke into a sweat scared of the couple being Tadashi and Honey Lemon. Hiro then put on his new Black hoodie and put the hood up Hiro was petrified as he was being escorted to the door. Hiro then opened it slowly noticing unfamiliar voices calming his nerves.

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