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Okay I hit over 2,000 reads.

Let me thank you all so SO much, honestly it's so overwhelming... I checked my reads while I was in class, and let's just say I shared my joy to the class... loudly.


But seriously, thank you.

So sorry I took so long to update, I've just got a buttload of homework, and also, I just thought of an amazing idea for this story, so forgive me!!

This chapter has flashbacks and what not, I hope you don't get confused!

Feel free to give me any ideas, as I have no freaking idea where this is going ahhh.


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You know guilt?

Like that one from physically hurting another man?

Yeah, that kicked in as soon as I started walking home.

I left the cafe with ease, and tried my best to ignore the vicious and irritating stares from behind.

Once I was able to leave the street in which the cafe was in, I started to jog. I had Finn trotting along beside me as I broke out into a nervous sweat.

What if the Police are already after me?

What if that man needed serious medical care?

What if everyone hates me now?

What if this, and what if that; but the one thing I was most scared about, was what if my Dad found out?

Bless me, I wouldn't ever see the sun again, I'll forget what the fresh air smells like, and how the grass feels on my bare feet.

I stoped and pondered for a moment, wanting to turn back and aid the man, apologize and give him a firm handshake of agreemet, but by remembering the look of his face before I got angry, he would finish me then and there.

The cool breeze brushed the hair out of my eyes before I had the chance to do so myself, yet I would continuously flick my head, just to make sure.

As my breathing began to speed up and slowly gain weight, I noticed the small puffs of steam emerging from the gap between my purple lips; disappearing as quickly as I saw it.

I remember back to when I was younger, how that used to be so entertaining.

The way I would press my index and middle finger up to my mouth and pretend I was smoking, or I was a dragon, breathing fire.

And that was back when I was able to enjoy myself everyday, when mum was still around.


I kicked my shoes of at the front door and unlocked it, pushing myself inside, and slamming it shut shortly after Finn slid through.

Mum left me 11 years ago.

She just left.

She showed no previous signs till the day she packed her bags, ran her fingers through my hair, and gently kissed my forehead.

I remember what she said to me; sniffing through her cold, runny winter nose, and wet cloudy eyes.

"Harry, darling. Don't you think for a second that I'm leaving because of you; I'm not baby. I need to leave, and I can't bring you with me, as much as I wish I could. I need you to be a man now Haz, you'll be strong soon, and you can look after yourself, right?"

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