Prologue: I Can't See The Ending - Part 2

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{{DISCLAIMER: I do not own The World God Only Knows! The World God Only Knows is owned by Wakaki Tamiki}}

Maijima Private High School

It was the next day after Gura got an earful from Chihiro's mom about going home late and he didn't want to remember the wrath that he felt yesterday.

Anyway, Gura is bringing a portable megaphone that he took from the AV Room after getting lost several times again in this school. He just hopes that he can just leave it in a classroom and call it a day.

The reason why he brought a megaphone with him is that he wanted to cheer on Ayumi since she's supposed to be Chihiro's childhood friend. He finds it odd that Chihiro is nowhere to be found during the first chapter of The World God Only Knows, so he took it upon himself to cheer on Ayumi during her practice.

It didn't take Gura that long to find the Sports Ground because he can see outside through the window and he could see that the track team is currently getting ready, so he picks up on his pace to get there quickly.


Gura arrives at the place where Keima is supposed to be cheering on Ayumi after getting persuaded by Elsie, but he can't spot any sign of him progressing with the Ayumi Route anywhere.

Gura- "Well, whatever, I'm here because I wanted to cheer on my friend anyway"

He said as he turns on the megaphone in his hand, then run some necessary calibration.

Gura- {Test... teST&*%&<$---}


The megaphone suddenly lets out a screeching noise that makes Gura instinctively drops it down in hope that the noise may calm down.

In addition, everyone on the track field is now looking in the direction where the noise came from, which means that they are looking at him.

Izumi- "What's up with her?"

Miyako- "Is that a megaphone on the ground?"

Ayumi- "Chihiro?"

Of course, Gura didn't hear any of these comments directed at him but it didn't stop him from getting embarrassed and scratching the back of his head while laughing awkwardly as he picks up the megaphone from the ground.

He adjusted the megaphone carefully and blow some air on the mic before deeming that it was safe for him to use. He noticed that Ayumi has already tied her hair, so he inhale before letting himself go wild with cheering her.

Gura- {Go~! Go~! A~yu~mi! Love~! Love~! A~yu~mi! Faster than a speeding bullet! That is Ayumi~!}

Ayumi- "Wha-?!"

Ayumi's face is flushed in red as she runs to Gura on max speed to stop him from doing whatever it is that he's currently doing.

Gura- {Good luck, Ayu- oh shit}

She forcefully grabs his red jacket upon arriving to make Gura drop the megaphone which doesn't seem to be working, but at least he stopped for now with his megaphone resting on his right hip.

Ayumi- "What are you doing here with that embarrassing chant?!"

Gura- "Cheering you?"

Ayumi- "Don't answer my question with another question!"

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