Chapter 10

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Put the song,, It makes it sadder! ;)

*Natalie's POV*

"Shawn, are you really taking me out if that school?" I asked

"Of course. I don't want you getting bullied anymore. You need a better life" he said

I rolled my eyes and shrugged

I immediately went back to the kitchen to pick up some food.

As I went walking back to my room, I had this weird feeling when I looked at Hayes.

I really like him but he changes when he's around other people.

I really thought he liked me back.

I shut the door to my room and within that second, I broke down crying.

I don't know what to do anymore.
I don't have anyone that really loves me.
I know Shawn just feels pity for me.

'Just end it all Natalie'
'Maybe you should kill yourself'
'There's nothing in life worth living anymore'

I picked up the bottle of pills and began shaking uncontrollably

I hesitantly put all the pills on my hand

I sobbed loudly

"One.. Two.. Three,.."

I put all the pills in my mouth and tried to swallow them down

"What are you doing Natalie!?" Hayes said coming into my room

I took a deep gulp and began shaking more

"Natalie did you swallow pills!?" He yelled and picked up the empty bottle of pills

I shook my head

"SHAWN!!" Hayes yelled and ran out of my room

I immediately locked the door

I threw a glass to the floor and picked up a piece of broken glass

I yelled my lungs out and started slitting my wrists

I honestly want to scream and I want to shout til the words fall out.

I heard another glass break and someone running up the stairs

"NATALIE OPEN THIS DOOR RIGHT NOW!!!" I heard Shawn yelling

I didn't want to respond

"Natalie please!" Hayes yelled

I tried to walk to my bed but every step I took made me dizzier

I laid on my bed

"Thank you Shawn for everything and I love you" I whispered

My eyes were getting heavy and it started getting hard to breathe

"I love you"

The door flew open and my vision got blury

"Natalie, Natalie, Natalie. No no no please" Shawn yelled

He held my wrists and picked me up

I wanted to say one last thing but the words couldn't come out

I guess this is it.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: May 31, 2015 ⏰

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