Chapter 1

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"Bye mom. I'll see you after school" I said while she dropped me off.

"Bye sweetie. Have a good day. Love you!" She said while driving off

"I love you too" I said under my breath

"Hey Sabrina!" I said going up to her and side hugging her.

"Hey Natalie. What's up" she said while Jake came next to me and side hugged me

"Nothing much. Just entering the gates of hell" I said laughing.

"Oh my gosh! You said a badword!" They said while gasping

"Oops" I laughed


"Okay sweetie. I'll be there in a bit" my mom said in the phone

"Okay bye. Love you!" I said hanging up

I waited patiently for my mom and she finally pulled over.

"Let's go eat!" She said while I got in the car.

"McDonald's!?" I said excited

"Whatever you want sweetie" she chuckled and started driving


When we got home from McDonald's I finished up my homework, took a shower, and brushed my teeth.

"Goodnight sweetie" My mom said kissing my forehead.

"Night mom. Love you" I said while she closed the door
The end.
Jkjk continue on ppl!!! (;

I woke up to the smell of food and checked the time. It was 6:30 school starts at 8:00 so I have plenty of time.

I went downstairs and my mom was making pancakes.

There was some on the table so I just sat down and began eating them.

"Good Morning Mom" I said eating my last pancake.

"Good morning sweetie. Get ready for school now. I'm going to take you a little earlier because I need to talk to the principal" she said

I ran upstairs and took out my pink tank top and some skinny jeans. Since I'm 10, I don't wear makeup so yeah I'm cool.

I slipped on some toms and put my backpack on.

"Let's go mommy" I said

"Okay sweetie" she said

My mom was driving slowly. She's a calm driver. A car started driving faster on the lane next to us. I was panicking.

I paid close attention to the car while tightening my grip to the car seat.

"Mom" I said. She didn't hear me.

"Mom.." I said a little louder.

"Mom!" I yelled. All I saw was the car next to us flip. My mom immediately stopped the car.

"Are you okay swee-" "MOM!" I said crying the car flipped to our car and the windows broke. I stayed low and dug my head into my knees.

I cried and cried.

I picked up my head and I noticed our car was upside down. I turned to my mom and she just laid there. Lifeless. I cried even more and just closed my eyes.

I felt people grabbing me and pulling me out of the car. I opened my eyes and there were polices.

"My mom" i said

"I'm so sorry sweet heart" a female police officer pulled me into her chest. They put me on the stretcher and I turned my head. Only to see my mom. Her lifeless body was on the ground and there was blood all over her. I cried more..


"Sweetie. I need you to answer these questions. Please" a police officer came into my hospital room.

"Okay" I said crying.

"Do you know what happened?" He said.

"Yes. We were driving and the car next to us was speeding then it flipped to our car" I said sighing.

"Did you see who was in the car?" He said

"No. I just saw a man" I said.

"Can you be more specific?" He said while taking out a clipboard and a pen

"He had black hair. That's all I know. I'm so sorry" I said crying. I feel bad.

"Its okay. Do you have any relatives?" He asked. I shook my head.

"I'm sorry but you will have to be sent to the nearest foster home" he said. I nodded my head and laid back down. I drifted off to sleep.

Why couldn't heaven wait? My mom was such a good person. She doesn't deserve to die at all. I love her so much.

At least I know that heaven gained another beautiful angel.

I'm sorry. I cried during writing this. Oh well. Hope you like it!!

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