Meet Alexander "Alex" Paxton

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Name: Alexander "Alex" Paxton

Ranger Color: Silver

Ranger Position: Auxiliary Member (Auxiliary Member: A member that started after the core members are found)

Roll Call: "With the Intelligence of a Jackal~ Jungle Fury Jackal Ranger!"

Zord(s): Jackal Animal Spirit, Caracal Animal Spirit

Weapon(s): Jungle-Brella (Umbrella), Jungle Claw (Entrusted from Master Mao who is his father)

Additional Power: Caracal Spirit Ranger

Love Interest: Robert "RJ" James

Short Black hair and Amber eyes.
Wears anything Silver, and sometimes Purple.

Bio: Alex along with RJ are the Jungle Fury Rangers' mentors. He later becomes the Jackal Ranger of the Jungle Fury Rangers the same time as RJ when he becomes the Wolf Ranger. He is the co-owner of the Jungle Karma Pizzeria and practices martial arts with RJ privately. Alex and RJ are secretly in a relationship. Alex learns how to use the Caracal Spirit from his father, Master Mao. Only RJ refers to him as "AP" while the others refers to him as "Alex".

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