The Most Dangerous Game...Night

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Author's Note: Hello friends, it's been a while. An update, I graduated (woo!) so I'll be going to community college in the fall. With summer in swing, I got to spend more time on this chapter when I started writing it. I hope to publish another chapter during the summer for you guys, a mini-goal for myself.

Here's another Richard drawing. Just started digital drawing. If you wish to answer, comment: how has your summer been? What have you done and plan to do?

Till next time.


Today's adventure led Scrooge, Richard, and the kids into a cavern underneath a Mayan temple. The Scot led the group with a torch, wearing his special adventure outfit. The Brit was at the back, wearing his old brown outfit as well, this time with the stitched up scarf in place. He felt comfortable wearing it again, finding warmth in the old fabric.

At least two months had passed since the grand showdown with Magica DeSpell. It took some time to clean up the mansion and restore it to its former glory. Everyone moved back in and Donald's boat was back in the pool (the sailor and his uncle repaired it together like they promised). Since then, the gang had returned to their adventuring ways.

It was not completely the same, things changed. Richard kept to the end and rarely joined Scrooge at the front. He was silent unless the kids talked to him. When they were at home, Scrooge would seek him out and they would sit together in the same room. He zoned out and held a misty expression. Yet Scrooge never pushed for an answer, knowing the other was finally allowing himself to grieve. He simply appreciated the fact they were able to share space together. And whenever Richard opened his mouth, Scrooge listened with a smile.

It was his turn to be there for the Brit. To prove he cared for him. To prove he...loved him. So he simply kept an eye on the actor and let him be, supporting him.

The kids looked around the cavern. The place was filled with moss, plants, and spiderwebs.

Without paying attention, Louie ran into a cobweb and stumbled forward, trying to get rid of it. Richard caught him and quickly wiped off the web, but he wasn't fast enough - the others stumbled as well, leading to Scrooge yelping as he fell.

Until a hand reached out and grabbed hold of his arm, tugging him back up and straight into Richard's chest. Scrooge gained his footing and glanced up, blushing at the duck's soft smile.

Everyone except Richard threw an annoyed look at Louie, who gave a nervous apologetic smile.

Moving on, Dewey ran back and whistled, gaining Webby's attention. The group watched as he ran to her and jumped off her hands to the branch sticking out the roof, singing, "Dew-dew-dew-dewey dewing it again. We're dewing it again, yeah~"

Webby jumped up and grabbed his legs, joining along, "With Webby, his best friend~"

The duo swung forward, landing perfectly and ending the short song, "A duet with Dewey and Webby~!"

The blue duckling pressed the button on the wall and the floor rose, getting rid of the gaping hole. Seeing the floor, Louie started but was held back by Scrooge. He screamed as he watched the arrows shoot upwards.

Scrooge glanced at Huey, "Laddie?"

Huey observed the rhythm of the arrows and made up a song, "Step turn, step turn, step turn, dodge and step."

With the song made, the two went for it, "Step turn, step turn, step turn, dodge and step." They made it to the other side without a scratch on them.

Louie hesitated, "Uh boy. Okay, step–"

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