The Other Bin of Scrooge McDuck

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"What are you doing up?"

"What?" Richard froze, the teacup tipped to his lips.

"It's the middle of the night and you're drinking tea?"

"It helps calm me down... ?" He wasn't lying there. He was only glad Scrooge came in now because he had previously been drinking coffee. Scrooge watched him finish his tea with a deadpan look.

"Why are you awake?" Scrooge stepped forward, pointing his cane at him. Richard stared at the floor.

"After all, you are the reason we're dead."

"I couldn't sleep."

"How long has this been going on?"

"Since I got here," Richard gave a white lie. It was partly true. He didn't want to worry Scrooge even more. No one had to know the truth. There were so many layers but each was locked tight.

"If I dragged you to your bed you wouldn't sleep, would you." It was more of a statement than a question.

"Probably not," he honestly replied. It wasn't as though he didn't enjoy sleeping. Well, he used to. But now his brain simply denied it, tormenting itself instead. He didn't want to accept the reason why. God, how long had he been awake? He lost track after the second day. Wasn't it Sunday? Oh, if it was then a week has passed since his last wink of sleep.

Determination gleamed in Scrooge's eyes. Richard sweatdropped.

"Then you're coming with me." Scrooge grabbed Richard's arm and started dragging him, startling the man.

"W-wait what?"

He was led upstairs and down a wing, followed by many hallways. He paid no attention, only staring at the hand holding his wrist. He suppressed a shudder at a memory popping in his head.

A door opened and they went in. He observed the room and his eyes opened wide.

"This is your bedroom."

"Aye." Scrooge faced Richard and pointed at himself, "You're sleeping with me tonight."

The Brit blinked. Absurd. This was absolutely absurd.

"Use the bathroom to brush your teeth and then come to bed," Scrooge ordered, letting go of Richard and walking to his bed.

This bastard was so confident the duck would listen to him. "Who's to say I won't leave and return to the kitchen or even retreat to my room."

"Because," he settled into his bed, "both are very far away from my room. And I know that at night you become lazy. Now add on the lack of sleep and you're basically trapped here for the night. Unless you're willing to crawl your way back in the darkness."

Cocky bastard. Absolute buffoon. The Brit glared at the Scot, hurling insults in his head. Scrooge paid no attention to the glare, smiling and closing his eyes.

Richard grumbled as he went to the bathroom. A couple of minutes passed before he returned.

He lightly pushed Scrooge's shoulder, making the man give a soft groan, "Scooch."

Scrooge glanced back at Richard before shifting forward, giving him room. He joined him on the bed and turned his back to Scrooge. "You didn't have to do this."

"But I did," Scrooge mumbled. "Or else you wouldn't get some actual sleep."

"I'm insulted you think I need someone to sleep."

"I'll apologize in the morning if I'm wrong."

Scrooge fell back asleep. Richard frowned before closing his eyes.

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