Chapter 2:

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I again tried to back up but my hair got stuck on a branch from the bush. I tried to get it out, forgetting that I was trying to be un-seen. After 5 or so minutes I got my hair free and tried backing up. But hitting something hard. I looked up and saw a pair of eyes looking directly above me.

"Well, well, well. What do we have here?" He said frowning at me.


Holy. Crap. What the heck just happened here?

"Who are you and why are you hiding in a bush?" He asked coldly. I think it was Louis. 

I squeezed my eyes shut. No, no, no. I hate talking to people I don't know. 

"HELLO?! I asked you a question!!" he yelled at me. 

Maybe I could make a run for it. Maybe I could run and they would let me go. (I know it sounds ridiculous, but hey it's worth a try!) 

I bolted from my spot and sprinted to the path. I was running full sprint. 

"HEY!" 'Louis' yelled. All of a sudden I could hear foot steps behind me. Crap. Someone was running after me. I didn't anticipate anyone running after me. I could feel the person running at my heels know. 

All of a sudden, someone tackled me. I landed face first on the ground. 

"uggh" I mumbled onto the ground. I could feel someone flipping me over. I didn't dare open my eyes. I began to struggle. 

"Hey stop! I asked you a simple question!! WHY WERE YOU HIDING IN THAT BUSH??" He asked raising his voice. Great. Know I have to actually talk to someone. yaya me. (Note that was sarsasm) 

I opened my eyes, staring into a pair of sea green eyes. 

"Are you a fan? Or some really young reporter trying to get bad pictures of us??" 

"W-what?" I asked. 

"Don't play innocent, I know you're lying" He said coldly. 

"I-I don't k-know what y-yo're talking about" Oh no. My stammering is kicking in. Yay. 

"Who are YOU?" 

"Please get off me." 

"No! Tell me who you are!" 

"W-why is it so i-important to you?" I asked quietly. 

"Just tell me!" I could tell he was getting annoyed.

"My name is Brie St. Clair. I am 18 years old. Now please get off me." I said feeling a bit more confidant. 

"There, that wasn't to hard." he said getting off me and standing up. 

I sat up and brushed the dirt off my pants. 

"So, what will it be? A picture? Autograph?" 

"What are you talking about?" 

"Wait you don't know who I am?" he asked suprised. 

"No," I said shaking my head. 

"Real-" He started to say but got cut off by one of his friends with the brown curly hair running towards him. 

"Mate, you alright? Who is she anyway? Some fan?" 

"Yea, I'm fine. and this is Brie St. Clair." Why do they keep asking me if i'm a fan?? 

"Mate, I don't think she know's who we are" 'Louis' said quietly but I heard him. 

"Should I know who you are?" I asked feeling confidant. 

"Well that depends, have you heard of the band One Direction?" The curly one asked. 

One Direction...One Direction...where have I heard that name before?

Oh right!

"Ohh One Direction! Ya bunch of people from my school talk about you!"

They both nodded. We stood there in an awkward silence. 

"Well, I should be going." I turned on my heels and walked down the path. 

"Wait!" ugh....Why can't I be alone??

"Yes?" I asked in annoyance. 

"I was wondering, if I could walk you back to you're house?" 


"I don't know. I want to make sure your Ok"


"The side of you're face is bleeding." 

Oh. I didn't realize that. 

"I'll be fine. Thanks for the offer." I said about ready to leave. 

"Maybe...I you again?" He asked rubbing the back of his neck. 

"I don't know" And with that I walked down the path. When I reached the edge of the forest, I started to jog back to my house. Man will I have some explaining to do to my mother. 

When I got to my house, I quietly opened the door, only to find my mother standing there, not looking very happy. 

"Where the H*ll were you?!" 

A Life For A Life (Louis Tomlinson Fan Fiction)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon