VI ~ You Are A Demon

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I lay in my bed of leaflets, peering through of tall seqoia trees of my forest. I was at home, finally. After all that traveling - all of that trudging through snow, I was here at last. My forest was tranquil and as usual, I could hear my true name in the whispers of the trees that danced in the passing wind. I whistled a loud melody which carried off into the wind. Soon, the sound of hasty scampering and crackling leaves made me rise up excitedly."Lopsy! Tomsy!" I screamed as two furry forms leapt onto my lap. I kissed each of them and laughed as they scuttled on my head and my shoulders. "Oh," I cooed. "My lovely squirrels. I missed you." They tickled my ears with their black noses and I giggled. "I will never leave you two again." I closed my eyes to savor the moment.

When I opened my eyes, everything was different. I wasn't in the forest anymore and so, I began to cry. I felt so much sadness that I felt like singing a song of my lament. Bawling, I looked up to see the white, spherical entity that stalked me in the midnight sky. It was always there. Whether I was in my forest or not, it was always there. But despite that, it never comforted me. What was that? In front of me, a white structure stood with tall, pointed towers that rose from the roof and stained glass windows topped with a symbol. Immediately, I felt drawn to this structure - heavenly it was, for it started to snow. Flurries of white fell from the darkened sky and the moon looked down at the scene with nonchalance. My bare feet touched the white sheets of snow which suddenly appeared on the ground, but it wasn't cold at all. Mesmerized, I approached the tall, elegant doors which swung open as if awaiting my presence. With one foot in front of the other, the promenade down the red, carpeted aisle calmed my hysterical whimpers and soon, my grief.

I looked up at the high ceilings and passed under the arch and tall columns which held up the roof of the structure.


Walet ru da


Grien em ku fa


A familiar voice bounced off all of the walls, echoing throughout the inside. The voice was very dulcet, very euphonious and a bit alluring. It sung an ancient hymn that I used to sing, in fact. Wait - that was my voice! I was a bit disturbed - hearing my voice radiate from every nook and cranny from this place. Even though it put me on such an edge, it divulged me and soon, I was singing along as well.


Walet ru da


Grien em ku fa


Up front, candles alighted and lit up the platform and as I sang - now gleeful - I twirled and curled my fingers into my palms. I yelped, and stopped singing and yet, my voice repeated to sing. I looked down at my hands, only to see a thin river of oozing, red blood spill from my palm. Slowly, I unraveled my fingers only to find black, long, razor-sharp nails.

"You are so beautiful." A masculine voice came from the platform. I looked up only to see the silhouette of a man. My lips curled and I smiled, an unquenched hunger lingering within my stomach. Oh I felt so hungry. So, so hungry. I started up singing again, adding a sultry, feminine dance as I walked. I rocked my hips back and forth and brought my hair to rest on my shoulders.

Walking up the steps, I grew closer to this man until I was directly in front of him. Frowning, I had hoped to see his face, see lips where I could kiss - for they were the entrance to his soul source. Instead, he remained a silhouette. But I didn't care. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pressed my body onto his, planting trails of kisses on his neck. Finally, I found his lips and curled my lips against his, feeling the draft of his pneuma entering my body. I never felt so revived.

He fell to face first on the ground, right into the moonlight that shone in from one of the stained windows. I cocked my head and looked down at the corpse. "Wait..." Kneeling down, I grabbed the man's shoulder and turned his body so that he was laying on his back.

Cornflower. Blue. Eyes. Jumping backwards, I whimpered, covering my face with my hands. Again, I cried while running my hands through my hair, trembling at the dead man on the floor. My hands collapsed on my lap once I pulled the hair out from my face and I gasped only to find thick locks of black strands in my bloodied palms. I screamed. My wails ricocheting everywhere.


Walet ru da


Grien em ku fa


Screaming again, I banged my fists on the floor. "Please stop!" I cried, pleading the voice to stop singing. Between every cry, I just grew angrier. "Stop it! Stop it! Stop! Stop! STOP!"

My voice broke. The man sat up. In awe, I looked at him. Fright consumed me. "I're supposed to be dead." I spoke, voice cracking. He laughed, those cornflower blue eyes sparkling in the gleam of the moonlight. "Yes. You've killed me. Just like you have killed the others. The humans were right about you. You are a demon."

FygliaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora