Chapter Eighteen

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Maggie had fallen still, the lack of oxygen travelling to her brain from the vine that was wound tightly around her neck, making every movement seem sluggish and impossible. She could barely react when suddenly the vine tentacles retracted, sending all four of them to the ground coughing. 

"You okay?" Steve asked immediately looking in Maggie's direction, panic setting in when she didn't appear to respond at first, terrified that Vecna had got her again. 

"I'm okay." She replied, hoarsely, laying on her back as she breathed in and out until she could feel everything starting to function once more. "Are you okay?" She questioned, receiving a small nod from Steve. 

"I don't believe in a higher power or divine intervention. But that was a miracle." Robin said, looking around at the vines that continued to retract.

Nancy nodded. "Then we better not waste it. Phase four."


The group carefully made their way up the attic steps stopping in front of Vecna who was in a trance-like state just like Dustin had predicted. As terrifying as it was to be face to face with Vecna once more, Maggie hardened her resolve, looking around at her friends, determined to do whatever it took to protect Hawkins and to protect Max. 

Steve looked around the group briefly, his eyes settling on Maggie's, nodding at her as she held up the lighter, quickly lighting the Molotov in Steve's hand.

Everyone paused for a moment as Steve chucked the bottle, sending it flying through the air before it finally hit Vecna, lighting himself and his surroundings on fire. The heat sent everyone reeling back as Vecna hit the ground, gasping in agony. 

Vecna propped himself up, staring at the four of them before slowly standing again. Maggie nodded at Robin, moving to light the bottle in Robin's hand before lighting the one in her own hand. In unison, both girls threw the bottles as they flew up in an arch before colliding on opposite sides of Vecna's body, sending him flying back once more. 

Then Nancy stepped forward, sawed-off shotgun in hand, firing multiple rounds until Vecna was pressed against the window frame. Her final shot sent him out of the window frame, crashing down to the ground below. 

"Come on," Nancy waved at the three of them that had gathered behind her, as they immediately followed her back down the stairs, heading to where Vecna had just fallen. 

"That was pretty badass, Nance." Maggie couldn't help but compliment, truly amazed by what Nancy had just done, only to fall silent as they exited the front door of the Creel House. 

Vecna was nowhere to be seen, only a slightly charred path remained. "Where did he go?" Maggie questioned, silenced by the sudden sound of chimes coming from the grandfather clock inside. 

Maggie's face immediately dropped as they ran back inside, the clock chiming four times before stopping. That meant only one thing. 

"Four chimes." Robin breathed.

"Max." Nancy gasped, all of them looking at the clock in despair before the ground started shaking once more.

Yet this time, it shook more and with greater intensity than any of the times before. Maggie gripped onto the staircase banister and her body shook every way before it finally stopped minutes later. 

Dread coursed through every vein in her body, they had failed and more importantly, Maggie had failed Max. The group walked back through the Upside Down in silence, it was hard to miss the gigantic red glowing lines that ran across the Upside Down, knowing that it was only going to be worse on the other side. 

However, it wasn't until they reached the trailer park that her true fears were finally recognised. Maggie came to a sudden stop outside of Eddie's trailer, the others suddenly stopping with her, as her eyes followed the large gate that ran from Eddie's trailer across the trailer park before cutting directly into the Upside Down version of her trailer, straight through the living room portion where her Dad spent all of his time nowadays. Terror stabbed at her heart, knowing that the gate would be directly mirrored on the other side. 

"Maggie," Steve said gently, tugging her away from where she stared at her trailer, imagining the worst, forcing her to turn around to where Dustin had exited Eddie's trailer, alone and sobbing. 

"Where's Eddie?" Maggie questioned tentatively with a false sense of hope. She was sure that Eddie would suddenly pop up behind Dustin, laughing at how worried she had been. It was always the way with him, he was always trying to find some way to insert humour into any scenario. 

Dustin was only able to shake his head at her, the others reaching the same realisation. "Now come on, Dustin." Maggie continued, her voice shaking and tears welling up in her eyes. "Where is he?" 

Dustin shook his head once more, finally colliding with the grieving girl as he pulled her into a tight hug. "I'm sorry, Maggie. I'm so sorry."

Her heart dropped to the bottom of her stomach, tears finally streaming down her face as she was unable to push away the reality of the situation any longer. Eddie was gone. 

"He wanted you to have this," Dustin said quietly, pressing something cold and metallic in her hand as Maggie nodded her thanks and appreciation. 

Maggie looked down at the small 'K' engraved necklace, her tears blurring the image, but she knew exactly what it was and the fact that Eddie had given it to her in his final moments, meant the world. 

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