Chapter Twelve

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With bikes grabbed from Nancy's garage, both Eddie and Maggie directed the group to the trailer park, Eddie leading them straight to his trailer with the hope that they would meet the others on the other side. 

"That's gotta be a Guinness World Record," Robin exclaimed excitedly. "Most miles travelled inter-dimensionally." 

Steve coughed. "I just inhaled a bunch of that crap. It's stuck in my throat."

While the others moved to where Eddie was opening his front door, Maggie paused with the Upside Down version of her trailer being the only thing she could see. The same pressing question lingered on her just as it had since seeing Nancy's diary and she couldn't help but wonder. 

Steve paused at the door to the trailer turning around to let Maggie go in front of him, only to not find her there. His eyebrows creased, immediately spotting her running form grow smaller and smaller the further she got.

"What is she doing?" Robin asked, the others pausing as well to watch the brunette run up another set of trailer steps, disappearing inside. 

"It's alright," Steve said, turning back to the group. "You guys get this gate sorted, I'll go get her."

Steve immediately followed Maggie's path, pushing open the trailer door, and searching for her. It didn't take him long to work out where he was. 

The family picture hung up on the wall, said it all, despite the vine that had twisted its way through the frame cutting the family of four in half. He was in the Fulmer family trailer before everything had gone to shit. His ears immediately perked up at the sound of crying as he rushed down the skinny hallway and into the room on the right. 

Maggie couldn't help but burst out into tears from the second she had pushed open her sister's bedroom. Everything was still there, frozen in time like that day had never happened. 

"Maggie." A voice called, and she immediately spun around to see Steve in the doorway, his eyebrows creased in concern and worry as he saw her state. 

She could only let out another sob at the sight of him as he immediately moved to cup her face, brushing back the strands of hair that had fallen on her face. 

"Everything is still here." She sobbed, gesturing wildly around the room. "That's her guitar, I've never seen her as happy as she was when she found that at the tip, all she wanted was to have something to play with Eddie. That's her necklace that Mum and I picked out for her sixteenth. Her pictures...." She trailed off, her eyes falling on the group of pictures that had been pinned to her wall, full of happy times. "She's here. For the first time in so long I can feel her, I can feel Kaira." 

All Steve could do was hold her tightly as he tugged her into his arms, letting her cry out all her bottled-up feelings. The tears felt so foreign as they rolled down her cheeks, dripping onto Eddie's vest that Steve was wearing. 

The two of them stayed in that position for what felt like forever until Maggie was just left with the occasional sob here and then and feeling much more under control of herself. 

"Sorry to interrupt." Robin started slowly, causing the two of them to pull away, her eyes immediately catching Maggie's state. "But we've got the gate sorted."

Steve nodded at Robin before turning back to Maggie. "You okay?"

Maggie sighed, wiping underneath her eyes and pushing her hair back behind her ears before nodding, following them out of her trailer and back over to Eddie's where on the ceiling of his living room, a glowing red hole was all she could see. The others were giving her curious looks as she moved towards the open hole, able to see down to the others as Lucas and Max carried Eddie's mattress into the room placing it down to be used as a landing pad. 

"Those stains are, uh..." Eddie trailed off, looking around awkwardly. "I dunno what those stains are."

Maggie looked over at him, forcing a smile onto her face. "Mhm."

 "Not quite sure how these physics work." Dustin started, having grabbed a makeshift robe made out of Eddie's sheets from Erica. "But, uh... Here goes nothing." He said, tossing the rope through the hole as it dropped down to those in the Upside Down. "And if my theory is correct..." He trailed off, letting go of the rope as it remained suspended. "Huh. Abracadabra."

 "Holy shit."

"Alright, pull on it! See if it holds!' Dustin shouted, Robin, pulling at the rope only for it to not move at all. 

Erica laughed. "This is the craziest shit I've ever seen in my life. And I've seen some crazy shit."

 "Guess I'm the guinea pig." Robin shrugged the rope already in her hand as she jumped onto the rope to climb it, dropping down onto the mattress upside down once she passed the ceiling. "Oh, thank God. That was fun."

" Alright, guess I'll go," Eddie said, moving to follow Robin, dropping down with a thud. "That was fun, shit." 

Nancy immediately moved to follow the two of them, dropping down gracefully before immediately moving to get away from the questionable stains. 

Steve turned back to Maggie with a smile, gesturing for her to go next. "See you on the other side."

"On the other side." Maggie returned with a smile as she moved to climb up the rope. However just as her head broke the top of the gate, her hands slipped off the rope, sending her into an endless sensation of falling despite the pitch blackness that surrounded her. 

"Oh, shit." 

A Threnody of Tears | Steve Harrington ✓Where stories live. Discover now