11! Play!

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Author's note: I'm in the middle of posting a bonus chapter for everyone who has supported me on Patreon, before going back to my usual posting schedule. But this isn't one of those; this is an extra bonus chapter, because there's someone who I hope might appreciate it, and who I think deserves an extra reason to smile today. I really hope that this chapter can give you one.

Thank you!

I watched all the fun that Bibi and Babi were having, and I laughed at every joke. Even the ones I didn't quite get made me feel all giggly, and I could wait happily until I was big enough to understand them. I wanted to show Daddy how big and clever I was getting when I could understand the show, but more importantly I wanted to stay right here with a Daddy who loved me. Just to feel him brushing my hair made me feel so happy. I never wanted this moment to end.

After that, Daddy put on another show. One from when he was young, he said, but it was hard to imagine Daddy ever being as little as me. He was so strong and so smart, and I loved him with all my heart. This time the cartoon was about a mouse learning to play a guitar, running up and down the strings, and I laughed so much because every time he ran from one side of the screen to the other, the music did a funny thing where it went higher and higher and higher. And then he ran back the other way, and it was going down again. After a couple of times I could even guess what the music was going to sound like, and I wanted to show off to Daddy what a clever girl I was.

"Bibbybibbitybibbybibbitybibbity!" I sang along, as the notes coming from the TV sounded just like a mouse running up the stairs all the way to the top. And I got it right too, which made me feel so proud.

"Clever girl. Do you like music? Maybe you can try singing for me after. Or dancing. Do you know how to dance? Like the hamsters."

I knew Daddy was being silly. I know how to dance, because everybody does. That's something so simple you could never forget it. But I was also happy that Daddy was asking me what I liked before deciding what to do, and I loved the idea of being able to show off all my talents so that somebody so clever would be impressed by me too. I sat in Daddy's lap and bobbed from side to side as the music played and the hamsters danced, and he didn't stop praising me for how big I was, and how clever I was. He kept on running his fingers through my hair as well, and that made me feel so cute and safe.

"Such a little cutie," he said, turning me around to face him when the cartoon ended. "You really like bouncing around in your squishy diaper, don't you? Does it feel nice?"

"Yeah!" I answered, eyes wide. Somewhere in the back of my mind, maybe, I could have known that was something a big girl should be embarrassed about. But I wasn't a big girl; I was a baby, and I didn't need to understand anything deeper than what felt good right now. And now he mentioned it, I knew that was kind of fun. When I bounced from side to side in time to the music, Daddy's knee pressed the diaper up between my legs. It felt funny and squishy, and it was very nice. I knew that I was going to try dancing whenever I got the chance now, even if some big meanie told me it was a naughty thing to do.

Daddy didn't tell me to stop. He let me keep on bouncing in his lap, and on his knee, until the show finished, and when he put music on in the background. There was nothing else I needed to understand, and I knew that Daddy would always want me to keep on feeling so happy. A little bit later I noticed a funny feeling that might have meant I needed to make tinkles again, but I knew I was too little to understand that as well. Before I could even ask Daddy about it I felt my diaper getting warmer, and then bouncing on Daddy's knee felt super nice, so I didn't need to worry about a thing.

"Does baby need her diaper changing?" he asked a second later, and I blushed a little because I didn't know. But Daddy didn't need an answer. He reached down and pressed on my diaper, gently sliding two fingers under the edge to check how wet I was. I giggled because it tickled a little, but I tried not to wriggle too much because I knew Daddy was doing what a good Daddy did. Of course he was; he was the best Daddy ever.

"Yes," he said. "I think somebody needs changies. Come on sweetie, let's get your cute butt out of that diaper." I pouted as he put his arms around me and lifted me up, but I didn't want to fight him. I liked my diaper, it felt so good, but I knew that if Daddy wanted to take it away then he was going to give me something better. Maybe I should have known what he was thinking; but I was just too young. I didn't know anything except that I loved Daddy and Daddy loved me.

He had folded a changing mat out of the bed, and the plastic squeaked as he laid me down on it. Then he tickled my feet, and I kicked out a little. But I couldn't stop Daddy, and I would never have wanted to. I was so excited now, knowing that this was just a diaper change like I had every day, but somehow feeling like it would be the bestest thing that I had ever done.

Daddy slowly untapped my soggy diaper, and he threw it away. No more squishy dancing, and I was a bit sad. But Daddy was still there, and as soon as I saw him smile I had a reason to giggle again. My Daddy was wonderful and I loved him so much. A flash of that smile and I didn't even know why I might have been sad.

He pulled out the baby wipes, and wiped my bum all over. He made sure that I was extra clean, and I blushed a little bit more. But I knew that I couldn't do it myself, so it was good that Daddy was there to do it for me. It tickled a little bit too, and I did my best not kick out, but I couldn't help it a couple of times when my legs twitched. Daddy just caught my ankles and tickled my feet a bit before carrying on, and I giggled for a minute trying to fight against him. Just for play; I would never really fight my Daddy, but it was a lot of fun trying to move my feet when he was holding them. And then he was back to trying to make me all clean again.

"Daddy!" I giggled at last, "That tickles!"

"Oh, does it?" he said. "Well, maybe I better stop then." He threw the wipe towards the trashcan in the corner, and my eyes went wide.

"No don't stop!" I squeaked, and then realised that being tickled had been so much fun. I didn't even understand what I was feeling, but I knew it was good. "That's nice ticklings!"

"Oh, like this?" he said, and his fingers came in like a wiggly little spider to tickle the sides of my knees, and my legs. I laughed and thrashed around, I couldn't help it when Daddy was tickling me like that. And it felt nice, but it wasn't the same as before when the tickly wipes had been rubbing me. "Or more like this?" He leaned closer, tickling me a bit higher up on my legs. I automatically tried to get out of reach, but then I felt him touch me and it felt so good that I didn't even know what I wanted. I could moan a word that might have been "Yes!" but I was laughing too much for anybody to understand me. And then Daddy kept on tickling with his hands, just like he had with the baby wipes. And this made me think I was a baby even more than before. I wriggled and giggled, but every time Daddy touched me it felt amazon. And before long he was just tickling in that one place that felt more wonderful than anything else. I couldn't even think about my diaper now, or my change. I couldn't even think about how much I loved Daddy, because that tickle felt so good that there wasn't space for anything else in my head.

I was breathing faster now, and I couldn't move how I wanted to. I didn't know if I wanted to laugh or to move myself closer to Daddy or to kick out, but that didn't matter at all. Daddy's hands made me happy and that was all that mattered. It felt so good when he tickled me, even more than the rush of happiness I felt when Daddy told me what a good girl I am.

I tried to catch my breath, to say something that might have been begging for more of that special tickling. But it felt too good, and I couldn't make big girl words at all. But Daddy didn't seem to mind, and he kept on doing exactly what I wanted. Tickling me and making me clean, I guessed. But I had never known before that being clean could be so much fun.

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