chapter nine

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aria: we are totally gonna die.

Scott is currently driving Derek's car in a high speed trying to distract Kate so she doesn't go and kill Derek they found out Derek Is alive when he came to Scotts room after the full moon ( he is not a vampire much to arias disappointment)

stiles: we wouldn't be doing this if you hadn't made Derek a fugitive

aria: you guys were standing there like statues I had to come up with an idea and I thought Derek is gonna be a vampire so he could just control their minds and let them forget about the incident but he had to be just a werewolf.

stiles: are you seriously mad that Derek isn't dead.

aria: no am mad he isn't a vampire

aria looked back and saw Kate is still chasing them.

Scott: Faster?

Stiles: Much faster.

aria: fast and furious Scott

Scott drove faster down the highway.

Stiles: Scott, I don't think you're grasping the concept of the car chase here.

Scott: If I go faster, I'll kill us.

Stiles: Well, if you don't go faster, they're gonna kill us!

Scott stepped on the gas making the twins hold on to their seats.

aria: you guys are gonna kill me one day.

Scott: your just figuring that out

stiles looked back to see the car wasn't there anymore.

stiles: They're gone.

Scott: They're gone?

stiles: They're gone.

aria: thank the heavens.

stiles took the radio and turned it on.

dispatch: All units, suspect is on foot heading into the Iron Works.

aria: I have a feeling were gonna have to double the speed we just went.

stiles: yup


when they got there they saw Derek was getting shot at by hunters.

aria: ut rosa petalis

aria cats a spell that turned all their weapons in rose petals.

aria: get in loser

stiles: seriously.

aria: hey I was watching mean girls before I got dragged into this.

Derek ran into the car and quickly shut the door Scott drove of quickly so they wouldn't follow them

Scott: What part of laying low don't you understand?

Derek: Damn it, I had him!

Stiles: Who, the Alpha?

Derek: Yes! He was right in front of me, and the fucking police showed up.

Stiles: Whoa, hey, they're just doing their jobs -

Derek: Yeah, thanks to someone who decided to make me the most wanted fugitive in the entire state.

aria: Can we just forget about that already? and in my defense I thought you were gonna come as a vampire and make everyone forget about that.

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