chapter eight

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A week after the accident

Scott: Where are we going?

Stiles: You'll see.

Scott: 'Cause we really shouldn't be out here. My mom is in a constant state of freak - out from what happened at the school.

Stiles: Well, your mom isn't the sheriff, okay? There's no comparison, trust me.

Aria: hey you had it easy I cant go to a different room unless dad is with me I wouldn't be surprised if he gets us a police escort to take to school.

Stiles: atleast your out of the hospital and it still doesn't make sense why you didn't heal quickly.

Aria: I don't know maybe it's the fact that he's the one who turned me so when he hurts me I cant heal.

Stiles: can we focus on that later we're almost there.

Scott: Can you at least just tell me what we're doing out here?

Stiles: Yes. When someone goes through a traumatic ev-

Aria: technically you guys went through it I dont remember anything.

Stiles: you still went through it, When someone goes through a traumatic event - they get drunk.

Stiles shows them a bottle of alcohol.

Aria: you do know the doctor said am not allowed to drink so I dont get thrombocytopenia.

Stiles: I know that why I got you coffee.

After a while Stiles is on the ground drunk scott taking a sip of the alcohol and aria is drinking her coffee.

Stiles:  I love girls. I love 'em. I love especially ones with strawberry blond hair, green eyes, 5'3" -

Scott: Like Lydia?

Stiles: Yeah, exactly. Hey, how did you know I was talking about - about - What was I talking about?.

Aria: scott how are you not wasted like he is you drank more than him

Stiles: You're not drunk?

Scott: I'm not drunk and I have no clue why am not.

Stiles: Hey, maybe it's like - maybe it's like not needing your inhaler anymore, you know. Maybe you can't get drunk as a wolf. Am I drunk?

Scott: You're wasted.

Stiles: Yeah!

Stiles went to take another sip when someone snatched the bottle out of his hand.

Guy: Well, look at the three little bitches getting their drink on.

Scott: Give it back.

Guy One: What's that, little man?

Guy Two: I think he wants a drink.

Aria: we want the bottle.

Stiles: guys, maybe we should just go.

Scott: You brought me here to get me drunk, Stiles. I'm not drunk yet.

The guy took a sip of the alcohol aria and Scott took a step forward and are now face to  face infront of them.

Scott: Give me the bottle.

Aria: Give me the bottle of Jack.

Aria's voice came out disoriented and Scott's eyes began to glow they gave the bottle to scott and he threw it at a tree behind them.

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