Darkness Rising 3/4

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(Above is a drawing made by yours truly thta will hopefully help you visuallizr what she looks like)

If there was a day for everything to go the hell, it oughta be today. Thats what I thought while glaring at a certain medic blocking the front alley.

"Get in." Ratchet grumbled with his passenger door open. I stepped back,"How the hell did you find me?" I asked while staying inside the shadow of the building,"Just get in." Ratchet muttered with his door open.

I rolled my eyes before walking over and climbing in the passenger seat. Ratchet took no time to drive of and I had to lean forward a bit as to not alert Ratchet of my wings . Even though they cant see em', if someone is too close, they'll be able to feel them.

There was a long moment of silence."It was not hard to see you on the sidewalk." He responded gruffly. I rolled my eyes behind my bangs and watched the landscape turn from Jaspers town to the scorching dessert.

Once in the base, Ratchet immediately transformed to bot mode and I had to jump to ground while kneeling. "Do not touch anything." The medic ordered as he walked off to what I assumed was a station or workplace.

I on the otherhand walked up onto the platform near the elevator and looked around for a place to sit. Looking at side of the elevator, there was a ladder leading up to a small platform that was mainly out of the way.

I let my wings down next to me in a relaxed position. As if being in the base wasn't enough, I started to hear clicking.

I scanned the room looking for the source before glancing at Ratchet. It wasn't him as he was using somethign that resembled a microscope. That was when I saw the mutant.

It was a small creature that looked like a spider, it seemed to have a large purple glowing eye that could rotate 360. I watched as it seemed to lock onto the busy medic and it charged.

I stood up swiftly and shouted,"Ratchet watch out!" The said medic looked up and seemed to shout sometime back, but the creature had already launched itself into the air towards him.

Ratchet gasped and wispered,"By the allspark!" Before doging it repeatedly as the creature kept trying to attack him. Soon enough Ratchet was leaning up against a platform wall as the thing jumped up, about the dig its ugly claws into him when a blast struck it.

The thing fell to the floor where it smoked and I looked to the left of me to see Optimus with a blaster on his arm, or rather his arm was a blaster.

The thing sparked as it then somehow got up on its claws before being stomped on by Optimus. It was definitely dead now.

I could practically hear Ratchet give a sigh of relief to whatever being out there before saying,"And stay broken! Now what could have casued that?" The medic asked while looking at Optimus.

"I have a grave suspicion, Ratchet." Optimus started while pausing and looking towards the now dead creature,"Dark energon."

"If the residue Arcee found on Cliffjumper brought your broken equipment back to life,it would atand to reasln that the very same substance brought Cliffjumper back from the dead." Optimus explained while closing the capsule in which the dead creature was stored.

I could hear Ratchet hum as he put a hand to his chin,"That would explain for his life signal inexplicably coming back online, but dark energon? Its so scarce as to be virtually non-existent. What would it be doing on earth?" I could see the gears turning in his head, if that even makes sense.

"It was transported here, by Megatron."

"For what purpose?"

A short silence followed,"To conquer this planet, by raising an army of the undead."

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