The king herself

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Pete Mitchell had a kid. he didn't mean it but it happened so when the mother to his child got arrested for substance abuse Mav was left alone to raise a daughter he never intended on having in the first place. of course he wasn't alone though was he! he had Tom "Iceman" Kazansky and of course his best friend Nick "Goose" Bradshaw to lead him down the dark windy road of parenthood...until he didn't. when Goose died Mav took it hard and in that moment decided he was undeserving of love, family, his kid. so without a second doubt he dropped Cash off with Iceman and didn't come back. for 14 long years Cash was parentless.

Cash's 14 years in the Kazansky household were happy. although Georgina Graham, Cash's mother, was released from prison she ended up loosing custody and was given visiting rights as compensation, on the condition that she stayed clean. Ice ended up with full custody meaning for the time being Cash was well and truly part of the Krazansky tribe. as a result of the court ruling Cash was shipped to North Carolina to see her mother for a few weeks every holiday but always returned to the glorious mansion she called home. Cash quickly discovered her talent and adoration for flying thanks to her father's genes and Iceman's encouragement. she went to school monday to friday, had her 2 "step siblings" to piss her off and make her laugh after (and often during) school. As she grew up Saturdays were spent partying and Sunday's were strictly reserved for family dinners with the Bradshaw's. as if in shared trauma Bradley and Cash became inseparable instantly, spending almost every weekend and holiday together since before either of them could remember. he was the first boy to ever truly love her.

At the age of 17 Cash had good grades, the perfect boyfriend (you already know who it is), the perfect life and was admitted into the naval academy with help from the Admiral and no hassle from her father. her high school sweetheart wasn't so lucky.


"I got in I got in I got in I got in I got in I got in" Cash squealed excitedly as she ran through the Bradshaw residence.
"Carole did you hear? I got in! i'm on my way straight to TopGun baby" she sang as she twirled into the kitchen. without a second doubt the woman wrapped her girl in a right hug

"that's my girl i am so proud of you honey" she said tearfully into the girl's hair. She didn't want her kids flying, it was her worst fear. She would do everything she could to save Bradley but as for Cash...there was really no stopping her.

"this is it for us Carole i'm telling you! it all starts here!" Cash started with a sparkle in her eye as she pottered around the kitchen, making a sandwich
"i'm gonna kick ass at the academy, get my wings, get deployed on some crazy missions, make lieutenant, shoot down some more planes, graduate TopGun, make captian and show Daddy who's boss then i'm gonna fly on back to momma and buy her a big house with a sparkling kitchen, i'll do some teaching blah blah blah and eventually make admiral where i'll start a programme in uncle Nick's honour before buying myself a nice little plane and take you on a tour of the sunsets how's that sound hmm?" she beamed, kissing Carole's cheek as the woman giggled before taking a bite of her sandwich and starting to bound upstairs
"did you hear me Bradster? i said how does that sound?" she called before opening the door of the boy's room to find him sitting on the floor, head in hands, staring at a piece of paper on his lap. Cash's heart sunk
"no" she whispered, falling onto the floor beside him. she snatched the piece of paper and scanned over it quickly. her shoulder slumped and her face dropped
"Bradley i don't know what to say" she said sadly, dropping the letter. it has always been the plan for them to do this together. always. without a word Bradley dropped his head onto Cash's shoulder and she just held him there. kissing his head every now and again to let him know she was right there. always.


Needless to say finding out from the Admiral that Maverick had held Bradley back and tried to do the same with Cash, developed an even deeper resentment for her father within Cash's heart. nonetheless she graduated Naval school and went off into the world of the aviators. she had graduated top of her class with a few warnings but top nonetheless. she was learning the ways of her new role miraculously quickly, graduated TopGun then quickly escalated to lieutenant. throughout her time in the academy, TopGun and on her missions she earned the call sign; "Elvis" because just like the "supposedly" deceased king she kept popping up all over the place. she was always there to save your ass or shoot you down but just like that she was gone again leaving you never quite sure if you'd seen what you thought you'd seen. like the multiple "sightings" of Elvis. After managing to haul ass home from Afghanistan, Cash watched with a wide grin as Bradley did the same. naval academy then TopGun. After a family dinner and a visit to Georgina's house they took 6 months after his graduation for just the two of them. no one knows how they'd made it that far without so much as a cross word to one another but they did. they spent those 6 months off doing everything they loved. and by the end, they were even closer than ever.

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